E-scéal 257 - ICT Supplement, PIMs Diary, Your School & Staff Management

Sunday Business Post Supplement Features Technology in Schools
This weekend’s Sunday Business Post will feature a 16 page broadsheet supplement - ‘Best Schools 2011 - putting technology into practice’, which is dedicated to the use of technology in the classroom.  The supplement will include a short feature on IPPN’s web services EducationPosts.ie, TextaSub and TextaParent.ie.
The supplement examines advances in infrastructure with more choice in digital content, and the recognition in the Irish education system that smart schools are a fundamental stepping stone to a revitalised economy. The Sunday Business Post’s team of tech writers talk to wide ranging experts, from international thought leaders to school principals on the frontline who are already seeing the benefits.

Click here to view opinion piece

Your School & Staff Management – Sponsored by 

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PIMS Desk Diary
The content of the fourth edition of IPPN’s Principals’ Information Management System (Desk Diary) is now being updated.  If you have any suggestions on how PIMs can be improved or resources that you think should be included, please email

Associate Membership for Retired Principals
Every year a number of retired Principals like to remain in contact and within ‘the loop’. Retired Principals can become Associate Members of IPPN at a greatly reduced rate of €50 per year.  This will enable you to keep in touch more easily with former colleagues and to continue to receive Leadership+ and other publications. 

Download application form

Is sinne le meas
Seán Cottrell & Pat Goff

A one-day seminar titled ‘Your School & Staff Management’ has been organised by IPPN for Principals and Board of Management members. This event will take place on 26th March in Citywest Hotel.

IPPN Sponsors

