E-scéal 271 - IPPN Consultation re Forum on Patronage and Pluralism in the Primary Sector

Invitation by Minister
As you are aware from reports in the media, IPPN has been invited by the Minister to participate in the Forum on Patronage and Pluralism in the Primary Sector. This will involve the formulation of a written submission to the Forum by 7th June in advance of further participation in the Forum. In order to accurately reflect the thoughts and opinions of our members, the IPPN Executive is very anxious to consult widely with them in a number of different ways.

Consultation Process
Bearing in mind that schools have just started into the busy third term, we suggest a menu of different ways in which consultation with principals and deputy principals can take place. The two National Committee Representatives in each IPPN County Network will facilitate this consultation 

1. One-to-one consultation with individual principals in the county
2. Consultation with a randomly selected focus group of principals in the county
3. Consultation as part of a full meeting of your IPPN network members during the third term, if time allows.

To facilitate principals who may not be able to contribute their views in any of the three ways above, the Executive will be inviting all members:

a) to participate in an online survey (you will be notified when the survey is available) or alternatively
b) to make an individual submission directly to

In order to assist you in this consultation process we have suggested three key questions to prompt discussion within the terms of reference of the Forum.

The Terms of Reference of the Forum are to advise the Minister on:

1. How it can best be ensured that the education system can provide a sufficiently diverse number and range of primary schools catering for all religions and none;
2. The practicalities of how transfer/divesting of patronage should operate for individual primary schools in communities where it is appropriate and necessary;
3. How such transfer/divesting can be advanced to ensure that demands for diversity of patronage (including from an Irish language perspective) can be identified and met on a widespread basis nationally.

Questions for consideration

Within the context of the above, the following three questions may be useful to consideration:

1. How can the education system provide a sufficiently diverse number and range of primary schools catering for all religions and none?
2. What are the practicalities involved for individual schools where consideration is being given to transferring patronage?
3. How can such transfer be advanced to ensure that demands for diversity of patronage (including from an Irish language perspective) can be identified and met on a widespread basis nationally?

IPPN Consultation Process
It is important that you express your viewpoint by whatever means is most convenient for you and forward your ideas to the executive. The timeframe for consultation is short and we will need to have all feedback by Monday, May 23rd at the latest in order to have the written submission in on time.

Should you require any further advice or assistance do not hesitate to contact the IPPN Support Office at 1 890  21 22 23.

Is sinne le meas

Seán Cottrell & Pat Goff

IPPN Sponsors

