E-scéal 274 - School Transport Changes, Deputy Principals’ Conference Materials

Deputy Principals’ Conference Materials
Presentations by keynote speakers (Dr Martin Gleeson, Seán Delaney & Gene Mehigan) made at the Deputy Principals’ Conference are now available to download from ippn.ie

Click here to download presentations

School Transport Changes: Co-ordination of Opposition
Changes to children’s rights to school transport under the 'Closed School Rule' will affect thousands of children across the country. Under this rule, children living in the catchment area of schools which had closed in order to amalgamate with other schools retained the right to school transport to the school with whom the old school had amalgamated.
Amalgamations sometimes involved more than two schools. In all cases the central school grew to accommodate a larger catchment area.  From September 2011 onwards, children will no longer be entitled to transport to the amalgamated school if there is another school nearer to their postal address. Recently, almost 500 people attended a meeting in Listowel to voice their anger to local TDs on the difficulties faced by families because of the changes to school transport.  Some people travelled more than 60 miles to attend the meeting. Similar anger is being expressed in Donegal, Mayo and across the Midlands where schools and parents are similarly affected.
Mary O’Connor, an IPPN member from Listowel, has agreed to act as co-ordinator for a campaign to see the changes to the 'Closed School Rule' reversed. Principals whose schools are affected by this rule can contact Mary (087 6375859) so that a country-wide co-ordinated plan can be put in place to bring about the necessary changes.

Minister for Training and Skills, Ciarán Cannon TD, is charged with overseeing the implementation of the new transport arrangements. He can be contacted by e-mail at ciaran_cannon@education.gov.ie.  

Is sinne le meas

Seán Cottrell & Pat Goff

IPPN Sponsors

