E-scéal 286 - Minor Works Grant, Literacy & Numeracy Circular

Conference 2012 – Have you booked?
Online registration for Conference 2012 and seminar booking is now open.  Conference will take place from Thursday 26th January to Saturday 28th January 2012 at the Citywest Hotel.  Over 50% of conference places are now booked. 
Please book your place early to avoid disappointment as places are limited.
A discounted accommodation rate is available at Citywest for Wednesday evening.

Click here for a full schedule of events and more information

Planning your Retirement?
Due to the success of our recent Pre-Retirement seminars; a further event will take place this Friday 2nd December at the Kings Valley Hotel, Galway.  The seminar is facilitated by professionals in the area of retirement and is specifically related to Principals & Deputy Principals. 

• Retirement readiness
• Planning for retirement
• Dealing with retirement-related change
• Your personal checklist
• Preparing your finances for retirement.

There is a nominal charge of €30 per attendee to cover costs and refreshments.

Click here for bookings and further information

Minor Works Grant
The Minor Works grant to schools will be discontinued from the 2012/2013 school year until further notice.

This week the Minor Works Grant has been paid to schools in relation to the 2011 calendar year.  Amounting in total to €28million, this grant has been a life saver for schools providing a source of funds which could be spent at the BoM’s discretion.  Regrettably, the DES has stated that the minor works grant will not be paid in 2012 or thereafter until further notice. 

Literacy & Numeracy Circular
Since Circular 56/2011 was issued to schools, many questions have surfaced regarding its implementation, chief among which are timetabling, assessment, reporting and exclusions.  IPPN has sought a meeting with the Chief Inspector to address your queries and concerns.  We hope that this meeting will take place within the next fortnight.  We will inform you of the outcome of our meeting as early as possible.

Pre-Budget Submission
IPPN’s pre-budget submission was issued to the minister today.  Among the topics covered are the protection of grant levels and SEN supports, release days, class size and exemption from VAT.

Read more

DCU Research on the Impact of School Inspections on Teaching and Learning
Prof. Gerry McNamara and Dr. Joe O Hara of the DCU School of Education Studies are undertaking online research on the value of WSE inspection and whether it influenced the teaching and learning processes in your school.
To attempt to evaluate effective methods of inspection and to identify those that yield most benefits for learners, Principals across Europe will also engage in the online study. The results of the research will be the focus of the Standing International Conference of Inspectorates (SICI) when they meet in Dublin in January 2012.
To complete the online survey, click here

Is sinne le meas

Seán Cottrell & Gerry Murphy

IPPN Sponsors

