E-scéal 289 - IPPN meeting with DES – Your Questions Answered

A meeting will take place this Friday, 16th December, where we hope clarity will be provided around several aspects of the cuts to education announced in the budget.

In order to help us prepare for this meeting, I invite you to submit your questions to your county representatives on the National Committee.  A link to their names and e-mail addresses is provided below.

Please note that we cannot process questions specific to your school – please do not provide names, roll number etc.  Instead, I would prefer if you would ask a general question that would apply to any school of your type.

Please submit these queries before 5pm on Tuesday, December 13th.

Bearing in mind that your County representatives on the National Committee are full-time Principals as are the Executive, please submit your points in bullet format as clearly and concisely as possible.

As soon as we have answers from the DES, we will send them to all schools by e-scéal.

Please use the following headings when submitting your queries:

1. DEIS Band 1
2. DEIS Band 2
3. School Completion Programme
4. Small schools (less than 86 pupils)
5. Allowances
6. Mainstream Staffing Schedule
7. GAM changes
8. Modern Languages Project

Click here to download National Committee member details

Is sinne le meas

Seán Cottrell & Gerry Murphy


IPPN Sponsors

