E-scéal 291 - Urgent Call for Action on Budget Cuts

The time has come for everyone involved in primary education to take action.  In addition to the lobbying and media work that we are working on, it is critically important that the entire network of Principals play their part too.  In this email, there is a link to all public representatives in the Oireachtas.  I encourage you as follows:

1. Call a meeting of your local Principals Support Group
2. If such a group does not exist, invite the Principals of your local schools to come to a meeting - If you cannot facilitate a meeting, act alone and make your own case based on your own experience
3. Organise a plan to share the email addresses of the TDs and Senators representing your constituency to the teachers and parents in your schools
4. Suggest that as many members of your school community as possible, would write to the TDs and Senators calling for the reversal of cuts to frontline services in primary education
5. Every individual can prioritise their own issues, whether it be DEIS 2, small schools and european languages – but the focus must be on the loss of service to children and to society – not about jobs as there is no longer sympathy for public service job losses
6. Past experience has shown that such a nationwide campaign does not get ignored.  A similar campaign was organised in 2003 when the DES were removing the Inspectorate from the allocation of SNAs and resource hours.  Some significant changes were received as a result of a targeted campaign to every TD and Senator.

If we can combine local and national action, we have some hope of reversing the worst of the budget cuts.  This is not a campaign about any one or two issues, but a dignified, sincere and comprehensive campaign to stop the pillaging of what was once a proud education system.

Is sinne le meas

Seán Cottrell & Gerry Murphy

Click here to view TD names and contact information

Click here to view Senator names and contact information




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