E-scéal 305 - Small Schools, Literacy & Numeracy – we need your opinion

The current pace of change in primary education is rapid and relentless. The pressures being brought to bear on principals by issues such as the threat to small schools, DEIS cuts, Literacy & Numeracy Strategy, increasing class size, cuts to SEN provision and the proposed changes to probation are causing serious levels of anxiety. Principals are overwhelmed by the fact that, as school leaders they are in the frontline but they have no answers for the people in their school communities who most deserve answers and who are most affected by the cutbacks.

So what is IPPN doing to help? We are currently putting all our energies and resources into supporting principals and deputy principals through these tough times. Today’s newly appointed principals are facing more challenges than ever before and we must be there to support them. IPPN is now engaging on a weekly basis with all sections within the DES, including Teacher Allocation, SEN, Teacher Education and the Inspectorate. We engage by making submissions and by having face to face meetings. We feel it is vital to keep the plight of principals constantly to the fore and to bring some appreciation of the current reality of life in our schools to the decision makers.

To represent principals’ views effectively we have to know what principals think and believe on a variety of issues. Feedback from principals’ support groups, county network meetings, individual e mails, all contribute to influencing IPPN’s policy. However, the most comprehensive and effective means of garnering your views is through the use of membership surveys.
To complete this survey; please click here - https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/JCMRZS6

We are really conscious that each survey is another task for you in an already overcrowded day but there are a number of benefits to be derived from this method of consultation.
• It is a very successful means of gathering a large volume of opinion
• Surveyed principals say that it gives them a sense of belonging and feel less isolated
• The content collected from our surveys enables us to speak to the DES and to other agencies with far greater authority.

Of course we do not always get consensus of opinion from a survey. However, there is enormous richness in the diversity of opinion expressed and we always strive to reflect the balance of opinion in our presentations. In this context we are now asking you to take a short time (8-10mins), to complete the following survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/JCMRZS6 . If the survey style doesn’t suit you, please write to us at consultation@ippn.ie">consultation@ippn.ie

In most schools, Principals communicate with parents and involve them where appropriate and involve them in policy formulation. Knowing the views of parents is useful in your role as principal. On a similar basis it is vital for IPPN to understand how the public opinion on certain education issues that directly or indirectly concern principals. With this in mind, IPPN recently commissioned Red C to carry out independent research of parents/public on a similar set of topics as are contained in this survey.

Thank you for your cooperation as always.
To complete this survey please go to  https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/JCMRZS6
Is sinne le meas,
Seán Cottrell, Gerry Murphy

IPPN Sponsors

