E-scéal 306 - RedC Poll commissioned by IPPN

Last week you received an e-scéal requesting your participation in a survey on a variety of topics. The survey included questions asked of the general adult population in an IPPN commissioned RedC Poll, together with other questions, to capture members’ thinking on issues relevant to school leaders.

In order that IPPN’s Executive can capture the opinion and experience of the overall network, it is vitally important that everyone has the opportunity to contribute their own views. This should take you no longer than 8-10 minutes. You will be notified by e mail when the findings of both surveys are available from ippn.ie. This will allow you the opportunity to examine the correlation between your own thinking, that of your colleagues and that of the general adult population.

On Monday next, results from the RedC Poll pertaining to parental/public opinion on matters concerning parental choice in the recent Patronage and Pluralism Report will be made available to public. The members’ consultation survey will be concluded before the release in order that respondents are not influenced by the Red C findings. 

Results from other questions asked by RedC will be released at a later time.

Click here to access survey

Is sinne le meas

Sean Cottrell    Gerry Murphy

IPPN Sponsors

