E-scéal 313 - 5 things you need to know before your holidays

This past year has been a very challenging year for school leaders.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank the many Principals and Deputies who have been generous with their time and expertise for the benefit of fellow school leaders, by serving on our National and Executive Committees, local support groups and answering the many queries posted on the Networking mailing list.  We also thank the staff at the IPPN Support Office in Cork, who have worked on many projects and events, and delivered services for our members throughout the year.  Finally, we wish to thank you, as a member of IPPN, for your continued participation in our network and the collegial support this provides.  Take a well-deserved break during the summer holidays to fully relax, renew and rejuvenate.  If you don’t look after yourself, it is unlikely that anyone else will.

PIMS Desk Diary – Order before 29th June
IPPN’s Principal’s Information Management System (PIMS) has been updated for the school year 2012/2013 and is now available on http://www.ippn.ie/.  To keep costs down, PIMS sections can be downloaded, printed and inserted into the relevant sections of your PIMS folder or another lever arch binder. For schools without this facility, IPPN will order, on your behalf, a set of inserts to be printed and four-hole drilled for €25 (including post & packaging). 

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IPPN Online CPD - €95 – EPV-approved Summer Course
Due to the positive feedback and benefits Principals have derived from participating in IPPN’s online course, Ciall Ceannaithe (for newly appointed, aspiring and experienced Principals) will be retained as our July online summer course.  The course is designed to be completed in 20 hours between 1st July and 31st July 2012.

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Vhi Healthcare WellPlus Programme Assessment
The Vhi Healthcare WellPlus Programme for IPPN was launched in September 2011 on a regional basis. Over 300 members have completed the Health Risk Assessment so far.  This programme is designed to help you take positive steps towards identifying personal health risks and to positively change your health behaviour. The first step is the completion of a comprehensive and confidential online health questionnaire covering all factors influencing your health. It takes 20 minutes to complete and all we ask is that you are completely honest in your answers in order to get the most benefit from the assessment.

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IPPN Support Office open during July & August
The IPPN Support Office will remain open during the summer to provide support to IPPN members.  In addition to the support staff, a rota of members of IPPN’s Executive will be available throughout the summer.  This is an additional support for the high numbers of Newly Appointed Principals (NAPs) being appointed this summer and starting their school leadership role. Our telephone lines are open from 9.00am to 4.30pm to assist you if needed throughout the summer.

Is sinne le meas

Gerry Murphy, Seán Cottrell & Virginia O’Mahony

IPPN Sponsors

