E-scéal 319 - Children’s Referendum, Appointments, School Returns

‘YES’ vote for children’s rights and resources to match
In spite of all the advancements that have been made, some children in our schools remain vulnerable to inadequate support systems and under resourced services. As school leaders, we know that children are our future, the most precious people we have.

On Saturday 10th November, we will be advocating and supporting a ‘yes’ in the Children’s Referendum.
Sadly, principals too often, find themselves at ‘case conferences’, along with other care professionals, attempting to address the needs of a child who has suffered neglect, emotional, physical or sexual abuse. Many principals report that on discovering a case of neglect or child abuse, they struggle to ensure the child gets the appropriate services in a safe and secure environment. Much of the problem stems from an uncoordinated under resourced system of service delivery to the most vulnerable children in our schools.

Following the successful passage of the new legislation, IPPN urges the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs to ensure a sufficient budget for the provision of the appropriate services so that:

• every child receives the support services  to which they are entitled
• the early identification and detection of child specific needs is assured
• there is a notable improvement in communication between all services, ensuring a holistic approach to the care of each child.

Making Appointments after 5th November
DES Circular 7/2012, section 3, paragraph (ii) states that:

‘The latest date for filling a permanent post (in accordance with the terms & conditions of this circular) is the first working day of November (5th November).

Thereafter, a permanent post may be filled only on a fixed-term basis (and in accordance with the terms of this circular) unless the appointee is a permanent or CID holding teacher from a redeployment panel.  These arrangements do not apply to principal posts which will continue to be filled on a permanent basis’.

The appointment process has to be fully completed by the first working day in November in order to fill a post on a permanent basis.  The teacher appointed through this process does not necessarily have to be insitu on 5th November as the successful candidate may have to work a notice period in a previous school.  Refer to Constitution and Rules of Procedure for Boards of Management.

Schools that have been sanctioned a fixed-term post until the 26th October, may have already received notification from the DES that the appointment date has been extended to 4th December.  It is essential for these schools to confirm the date for the appointment of the permanent position with the DES.

County Network AGM Presentation
This year’s County Network AGM covered a variety of current topics including teacher allocation process, probation, inspection procedures and school self-evaluation.  

Between 1st and 11th October, more than 1,000 principals attended a County Network AGM.  The meetings offer principals an invaluable opportunity to network with each other sharing best practice and to avail of training on a particular topic. Further County Network meetings will be organised in terms 2 and 3, notification of which will be sent by email and text message.

Click here to view County Network AGM presentation

New ippn.ie Menu Toolbar
From 24th October you will see a new menu toolbar on ippn.ie.  This new menu has been devised to make the site more user-friendly and intuitive for users needs. The changes will take place gradually over the next couple of weeks. 

Click here to view a site map outlining the new structure with notes about where some items have been moved to

National School Annual Census Return
The DES has provided guidance on completing the national school annual census returns.  Pupils retained on the school register for the purpose of compliance with the Education and Welfare Act, 2000 but who are no longer in attendance at the school on 30 September, in the relevant year must not be counted towards valid enrolment and therefore should not be included on the Census form.

If you have any queries, please contact Nicola Tickner Nicola_Tickner@education.gov.ie.

Click here to view DES guidelines on completing national school annual census returns

Is sinne le meas

Seán Cottrell & Gerry Murphy

IPPN Sponsors

