E-scéal 459 - Annual School Census & CYPSC

This week's e-scéal contains useful information on the following:


  • Planning Prompts
  • Annual School Census
  • NEW Textaparent.ie Payments
  • Membership
  • Autumn Meetings
  • Date for your Diary


Annual School Census

The DES requires each school to fill in and return an annual census for the purpose of determining the number of pupils in a school on 30th September each year. Staffing and grant levels are determined by this figure.
POD and a good Administration Package can greatly assist the Census process – provided they are updated. The deadline for the Returns is October 30th and will be accessed through the Esinet Home Page.  A further e-sceal will issue when Esinet allows you download the 2016/17 forms. At this stage you should

  • Ensure that POD and your Administration Package are fully updated, including data on pupils.
  • While it is fresh in the memory of Teachers and children, ensure that you know where every child who left the school during the previous year went, including the second level schools they went to.

Textaparent.ie Payments 
IPPN has developed a new payment facility for Schools. Schools can now collect payments directly from parents – no more cash on site.
Through IPPN’s TextaParent.ie service primary schools can request payments from parents via Stripe or PayPal.
The purpose of this payment system is to facilitate the easier collection of school money from parent/guardians and to reduce the amount of cash and cheques being sent into your school. Click here for more information or email info@textaparent.ie


IPPN & Children and Young Peoples Services Committees (CYPSC)
IPPN and the Children and Young Peoples Services Committees (CYPSC) are looking for a principal(s) in the Sligo Leitrim area and a principal in the Dublin North City area to sit as an IPPN Representative on the Local Children and Young Peoples Services committee.  Involvement on these committees provides principals with an opportunity to work with key statutory and non-statutory agencies in their locality. For more information on CYPSC's see the recent article in Leadership+ or visit www.cypsc.ie.
Principals in Sligo Leitrim and/or Dublin North City interested in becoming involved on their local CYPSC should e-mail Padraig McCabe at ippncypsc@gmail.com for further information

Membership 2016/2017 – Renewal
We have now received over 2,000 renewal forms, if you have not yet returned your IPPN Membership for the 2016/2017 school year, please note closing date is Friday, September 30th.
If you are unable to locate your membership form - Click here for online version

IPPN Autumn Meetings
The pace of change and your need for accurate and up-to-date information will form the basis of your county’s network meeting.  A member of the IPPN Board of Directors will attend and present on a number of topics including Fitness to Teach, Complaints and Grievance Procedures. Click here for the full Schedule of meetings

Upcoming Meetings:

  • September 26th,Monday - Sligo: Clarion Hotel @ 4pm , Cavan: Hotel Kilmore @ 4pm
  • September 27th,Tuesday - Leitrim: Carrick on Shannon Education Centre @ 4pm, Donegal: Clanree Hotel, Letterkenny @4pm
  • September28th,Wednesday - Cork: Oriel House Hotel @4pm, Laois: Laois Education Centre @ 5pm, Kilkenny: Hotel Kilkenny @ 4pm
  • September 29thThursday - Monaghan: Monaghan Education Centre @ 4pm

Date for your Diary – Annual Principals’ Conference 2017
Preparation is well under way for the 2017 Annual Principals’ Conference.  
Conference will be taking place in Citywest Convention Centre on January 26th & 27th 2017.  Online booking will be available after the October mid-term break. 

IPPN Sponsors

