E-scéal 461 - Garda Vetting & Local County Committee Members

This week's e-scéal contains useful information on the following:

Planning Prompts
• Garda Vetting
• IPPN Membership
• IPPN Autumn Meetings
• Research - Action Plan on Bullying


Garda Vetting
There have been numerous queries in relation to Garda Vetting including TY students, student teachers, coaches etc. We await the outcomes of the Attorney General’s deliberations and the DES has assured us that the information will be made available to IPPN as soon as it is received. In the interim, if you have any concerns arising from vetting, please contact your management body in the first instance.


IPPN Membership
We are still accepting membership forms for 2016/2017 - to minimise the disruption to your membership supports & services, please ensure you return a completed application form along with the associated fee to IPPN Support Office, Glounthaune, Co Cork or refer to www.ippn.ie to renew online.


IPPN Autumn County Meetings
We have completed another successful year of our Autumn Meetings, and each county has elected their County Committees. We are currently collating the feedback received at the meetings and will communicate this to you next week.

Click here to see who has been elected to represent your county


DCU Research on the National Action Plan on Bullying (2013)
The National Anti-Bullying Research and Resource Centre, based in Dublin City University (DCU), is conducting a survey of school principals on the implementation of the National Action Plan on Bullying (2013) and related policies and procedures for primary and post-primary Schools. The survey was commissioned by the DES. The results will assist in future planning to tackle bullying in primary and post-primary schools.

Click here to take the 10-minute survey - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CMNK7TG

If you have any queries in relation to the survey, contact Helena Murphy, Phd Researcher and Facilitator, by email to helena.murphy@dcu.ie.




IPPN Sponsors

