E-scéal 462 - IPPN Response to Budget 2017 – A mixed schoolbag!

This week's e-scéal contains useful information on the following:

Planning Prompts
• IPPN Response to Budget 2017 – A mixed schoolbag!
• IPPN Recourse Bundles
• IPPN Mailing Lists
• CSL Mentor Programme
• Coláiste Mhuire Marino


IPPN Response to Budget 2017 – A mixed schoolbag!
Following on from yesterday’s budget announcement, IPPN is very pleased that all one-teacher Island schools will now receive a second teacher with immediate effect. IPPN has, in recent times, advocated on behalf of one-teacher schools, the most marginalised among our members. IPPN presented a report to the DES in July, outlining the significant challenges facing these school leaders and requested action in relation to changes that are critical within these schools. We are delighted that these concerns were noted and are reflected in the budget. It is also positive that provision has been made for remaining one-teacher schools to apply, through the appeals process, for an additional teacher where there are 6 class groups or more in the school. Read More


IPPN Recourse Bundles

Answers to your key questions – in one place!
Need to know how best to handle parental separation issues? Read the Parental Separation Resource Bundle.
Want to know how to log a teacher or SNA’s absence on OLCS? Read the Absences & Leave Resource Bundle.
Desperate for advice on before and after school supervision? Read the Supervision Resource Bundle.
Resource Bundles are what they say, a ‘bundle’ of the key information and resources on a particular topic – gathered together in one place. You can find these resource bundles, and others, on www.ippn.ie under Resources/Resource Bundles or click here to view the available bundles. Note: You will need to log in with your username and password to access them.

IPPN Mailing Lists
Mailing Lists are a powerful way to gain support and information from fellow Principals and Deputy Principals, to share issues and discussions and to establish friendships.
There a number of mailing lists available to IPPN members, these include a mailing list for each county e.g. cork@ippn.ie , letirim@ippn.ie etc. There are also mailing lists available for one teacher schools, small school, new Principals and many more. Click here to subscribe to your mailing lists. Please note that the IPPN mailing lists are only available to current 2016/2017 members.


A message from CSL 
The CSL Mentor Programme applications process has been extended to next Monday, October 17th. If you would like to join the programme and have not already completed the application form, please do so as soon as possible. All the information you need is on the CSL website at www.cslireland.ie and the first training session begins in Monaghan on October 25th and 26th.

Mary Nihill, Anna Mai Rooney and Máire Ní Bróithe (CSL)


Coláiste Mhuire Marino
Kevin Haugh is hoping to create a database of graduates from Coláiste Mhuire Marino with a view to creating an Alumni and enabling those interested in reconnecting to do so. If you are a graduate of Coláiste Mhuire Marino and would like to reconnect with your colleagues of yesteryear please e-mail, kevinmhaugh@gmail.com


Is sinne le meas

Sean Cottrell & Maria Doyle

IPPN Sponsors

