E-scéal 468 - Garda Vetting - TY students

This week's e-scéal contains useful information on the following:


  • Planning Prompts
  • Garda Vetting – TY Students
  • Education Expo
  • Publication of international study on Irish Students



Garda Vetting – TY Students
In the recent edition of Leadership+, the Legal Diary dealt with Child Protection. In relation to Transition Year (TY) students, it was stated that the vetting of persons under 18 years was a policy matter for the Boards of Management and that an application for such was subject to the consent of the parent/guardian.

Given that the Attorney General has yet to clarify matters in relation to this and indeed other issues arising, schools would be best advised to adopt a restrictive approach and vet all TY students in the meantime - David Ruddy, Legal Advisor



Education Expo at Annual Principals’ Conference 2017
Education Expo is Ireland’s largest trade event for schools and offers a unique opportunity to research products, secure better deals and check out new and innovative products and services. Education Expo remains open throughout Thursday 26th and Friday 27th January in Citywest Convention Centre. We recommend arriving early on Thursday to enjoy time in Education Expo meeting some of the 130 companies exhibiting, exploring the huge range of products, services and special deals on offer.
Click here to view who’s exhibiting in 2017 and book your place to attend this year

Publication of international study on Irish Students
Irish pupils scored above average in international numeracy tests carried out in nearly fifty countries. The report provides an international comparison of student achievement in maths and science at Fourth Class in primary and at Second Year of post-primary. In general, students in Ireland performed relatively well compared to the other countries participating in TIMSS 2015. Ireland’s mean scores were significantly above the international TIMSS centre point in maths and science at both grade levels. - Click here to read more



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