E-scéal 472 - Operations Transformation

This week's E-scéal contains useful information on the following;

  • Planning Prompts
  • Pre-Conference Survey ?
  • Keynote Speakers - Your Questions?
  • Ireland & Australia - Peer-shadowing program for Principals and Deputy Principals
  • Operation Transformation10 @ 10
  • New DES Circulars


Planning Prompts Athbhliain faoi mhaise Ó fhoireann IPPN. TÁ sÚil againn go raibh saoire maith agat agus gur bhain tÚ tairbhe agus taitneamh as.

We hope that 2017 will be a successful year for you and your school community. To help you prioritise your work for the month ahead, please see the Planning Prompts below.


Pre-Conference Survey

This year's survey includes new elements such as staff disaffection, Aistear, curriculum change and new questions on principals' wellbeing and the level of pupil anxiety in schools. Your input is invaluable to IPPN to enhance services and supports for school leaders and to improve the impact of our advocacy work. Please add your views to the 380 responses already submitted.


Keynote Speakers - Your Questions?

Our conference team is currently preparing questions for our keynote speakers at IPPN Conference 2017. Keynote speakers are: Maria Doyle - IPPN President Clive Byrne - NAPD Director Mary Nihill - CSL Director Richard Bruton, TD - Minister for Education & Skills SeÁn Cottrell - IPPN CEO Rabia Siddique - Humanitarian, Speaker, Author Paul O'Connell - Retired Ireland and Munster Rugby Player If you would like the team to include a question for consideration for one of the above speakers, please email -geraldine.darcy@ippn.ie geraldine.darcy@ippn.ie by 3pm on Tuesday 24th January, stating clearly the speaker to whom you are addressing it.


Ireland & Australia - Peer-shadowing program for Principals and Deputy Principal

Applications are now open for LEAP International 2017. The program involves being matched with a similar educator from NSW (Australia); being hosted and billeted by that colleague for two-weeks (late July-early August) to participate in the LEAP international leadership program; and hosting/billeting that Australian colleague for two-weeks in September (Australian school holidays) in Ireland.


Operation Transformation

Would your school like to take part in the Operation Transformation show? OT want to hear from primary schools that are already incorporating physical activity and active breaks into their classrooms, or from schools that want to take on a challenge for 2017. You can read about their new initiative '10 at 10' below.


Whats New

-http://www.education.ie/en/Press-Events/Press-Releases/2017-Press-Releases/PR2017-03-01.htmlDigital Strategy ICT Infrastructure Grant for 2016/2017 announced

-http://www.education.ie/en/Press-Events/Press-Releases/2017-Press-Releases/PR2017-03-01.htmlNew DES Circulars

0004/2017 -http://www.ippn.ie/index.php/resources/des-circulars/2017/5373-0004-2017-post-graduate-certificate-diploma-programme-of-continuing-professional-development-for-teachers-working-with-students-with-special-educational-needs-autism-spectrum-disordersPost-Graduate Certificate/Diploma Programme of Continuing Professional Development for Teachers working with Students with Special Educational Needs (Autism Spectrum Disorders)

0003/2017 -http://www.ippn.ie/index.php/resources/des-circulars/2017/5372-0003-2017-graduate-certificate-in-the-education-of-pupils-on-the-autism-spectrum-as-for-teachers-working-with-pupils-on-the-as-in-special-schools-special-classes-or-as-resource-teachers-in-mainstream-primary-and-post-primary-schools-2017-2018Graduate Certificate in the Education of Pupils on the Autism Spectrum (AS) for teachers working with Pupils on the AS in Special Schools, Special Classes or as Resource Teachers in mainstream Primary and Post-Primary Schools 2017/2018

0002/2017 -http://www.ippn.ie/index.php/resources/des-circulars/2017/5371-0002-2017-combined-post-graduate-diploma-programme-of-continuing-professional-development-for-teachers-involved-in-learning-support-and-special-educational-needs-2017-2018Combined Post-Graduate Diploma Programme of Continuing Professional Development for Teachers Involved in Learning Support and Special Educational Needs - 2017/2018

-http://www.ippn.ie/index.php/resources/des-circulars/2017/5365-0001-2017-grant-scheme-for-ict-infrastructure-2016-2017-school-year0001/2017 Grant Scheme for ICT Infrastructure 2016-2017 School Year

IPPN Sponsors

