E-scéal 473 - New Resource Model & CSL


This E-scéal contains useful information on the following;


  • Planning Prompts 
  • The Centre for School Leadership (CSL)
  • Education Expo at Conference 2017
  • New Resource Model
  • Have your say in our survey
  • Questions for Conference Keynote Speakers?
  • Partnership Schools Ireland




Planning Prompts

It is a privilege to be able to support the many principals and deputy principals who avail of the Leadership Support Service during the school year. I would encourage anyone who is finding it difficult to sustain themselves, are about to have a difficult conversation, or may be encountering difficulty in their role to contact the Support Office on 1890 21 22 23 to avail of the confidential one to one support service. - http://www.ippn.ie/index.php?option=com_mtree&task=att_download&link_id=5383&cf_id=24


The Centre for School Leadership (CSL)

The Centre for School Leadership (CSL) will host an information session on the Centre's supports for school principals from 9am-10am on Thursday morning at Conference 2017. These include the CSL Coaching Service available to principals from Feb. 1st and the new Aspiring Leaders' Course which begins next September. There will also be information on the formal mentoring service for newly appointed principals and the development of a mentoring culture in schools. For further information or to register your interest in attending this event, please e-mail Anna Mai Rooney, Deputy Director Primary at amrooney@cslireland.ie


Education Expo at Conference 2017

Education Expo at Conference isIreland's largest trade event for the education sector! It is the best place to meet school suppliers and companies to help plan your school purchases for the year ahead. For a full list of the exhibiting companies please see below.

Leader Zone @ Expo will host expert 30min talks on Thursday 26th and Friday 27th between 12pm and 2pm. Edco will present information on their new innovative math resources and Minecraft for Education will demonstrate how Minecraft can enhance classroom learning.


New Resource Model

The proposed new resource model was announced by the Minister for Education yesterday. As most of you are aware this will replace the current GAM and Resource Hours model. Schools will no longer have to submit reports for low incidence hours. However schools still need to apply for SNAs in the normal fashion.

- http://www.ippn.ie/index.php/9-uncategorised/7186-new-resource-model

Click here for the DES Press Release - http://www.education.ie/en/Press-Events/Press-Releases/2017-Press-Releases/PR2017-01-18.html

Jim Mulkerrins, PO in Special Education DES, will facilitate two Master Classes at IPPN conference to detail the changes and answer any queries in relation to the new model.


Have your say in our survey

500 school leaders have told us their views on a wide range of issues, including availability of subs, principals' wellbeing, pupil welfare, staff disaffection and curriculum change. The survey will close in the next few days - to add your views, click below to take the 10-minute survey.

- https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VNPY8PN


Questions for Conference Keynote Speakers?

To submit a question for one of the keynote speakers at the IPPN Principals' Conference next week, please email geraldine.darcy@ippn.ie by 3pm on Tuesday 24th January. Keynote speakers are IPPN's Maria Doyle and SeÁn Cottrell as well as:

•  Richard Bruton, TD -  Minister for Education & Skills

•  Rabia Siddique - Humanitarian, Speaker, Author

•  Paul O'Connell - Retired Ireland and Munster Rugby Player

•  Clive Byrne - NAPD Director •  Mary Nihill - CSL Director.

- http://conference.ippn.ie/keynotes.html


Partnership Schools Ireland    

Partnership Schools Ireland is a joint initiative by National Parents' Council Primary (NPC) and Irish Primary Principals' Network (IPPN). The model originated in America and is currently becoming very popular in schools around Ireland. Would you like your school to be involved? Please call Liam McPherson (ATP Co-ordinator) on 01 8874478 or email: lmcpherson@npc.ie  Alternatively, meet Liam at the IPPN conference to discuss this initiative in more detail.

- http://www.ippn.ie/index.php/9-uncategorised/7187-partnership-schools-ireland-2017



IPPN Sponsors

