E-scéal 474 - Deputy Principals Conference

This e-sceal contains useful information ont he following


  • Planning Prompts
  • IPPN Deputy Principals' Conference
  •  CYPSC -parental mental health


Planning Prompts

If you have scheduled an Open Day/Evening for new parents, arrange details with staff and assign areas of responsibility, for example displays within the school and any performances by children which may take place. Read More

IPPN Deputy Principals' Conference – save the date!

The IPPN Annual Deputy Principals’ Conference will take place on the earlier dates of Thursday and Friday, 23rd and 24th March in the Citywest Convention Centre, Dublin. We have already begun working on making this the biggest and best Deputy Principals’ Conference yet. Further information will be provided over the coming weeks – stay tuned!


Galway and Roscommon - Survey on the needs of families where there are issues of parental mental health

The Parental Mental Health Subgroup of the Children and Young People’s Services Committees (CYPSC) in Galway and Roscommon is carrying out a survey to establish the views of those working with parents and children where parental mental health may be an issue. The survey should take no longer than ten minutes and will contribute to the development of a work plan on this issue for Galway and Roscommon.
To take the 10-minute survey, please click on the link below:


IPPN Sponsors

