E-scéal 477 - Standardisation of the School Year, County Feedback

This E-scéal contains useful information on the following;

  • Planning Prompts
  • IPPN Annual Deputy Principals’ Conference 2017
  • National Council Request for County Feedback
  • Are you a newly-appointed Deputy Principal?
  • Research
  • Standardisation of the School Year -New From the DES


Planning Prompts

With all that you have had to take on board over the past few months, you might consider these questions. This may be a particularly apt time for such consideration, it being the week of the upcoming midterm break.Tá súil agam go mbainfidh tú taitneamh agus tairbhe as. Read More...

IPPN Annual Deputy Principals’ Conference 2017

IPPN's Annual Deputy Principals' Conference will take place on Thursday, March 23rd & Friday, March 24th in Citywest Hotel, Dublin.
Before the online booking is available, see what’s on offer at this year’s conference. View our conference schedule that is structured to provide you with a menu of activities to choose from. Make the best of your conference experience and visit our dedicated Conference pages. Click here to view.

National Council Request for County Feedback

Your National Council Representatives have requested that you complete a short questionnaire in preparation for the next National Council Meeting. Your feedback is important to us and the information provided is a key element of the National Council Meeting agenda. Thank you to the 200 members who have already responded. Your feedback will be reviewed by both the Board and the National Council. Following the meeting, a report will be circulated to all members and will be available on www.ippn.ie.

Click here to access the County Feedback Questionnaire


Are you a newly-appointed Deputy Principal?

IPPN acknowledges the importance of providing every possible support for newly-appointed Deputy Principals as well as newly-appointed Principals. We aim to contact all newly-appointed school leaders as soon as they are appointed. However, the greatest challenge we face is to collate the names of newly-appointed Deputy Principals once they are appointed.
To support us with this work could you please advise us of any newly-appointed Deputy Principals appointed since 1st July 2016. This would be of enormous help to us and would be very much appreciated.
Please email any information (Name, School Roll Number etc) that you can provide to Jackie O’Reilly at jackie.oreilly@ippn.ie

Principal’s Research: Towards an understanding of Catholic primary school principals’ perspective on ethos

Colm Ó Tuathail, Principal of Rearcross NS, Newport, Co. Tipperary, is undertaking an MA in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, Mary Immaculate College under the supervision of Dr. Joe O’ Connell. This study will examine the depth of understanding Catholic primary school leaders have of ethos and the strategies they use to support and develop it. It will also examine the challenges school leaders encounter in promoting and developing ethos. Colm is seeking the support of his fellow school leaders to participate in a 45-60 minute semi-structured interview, to be arranged to suit the participant.

The data collected will remain confidential and will be used to inform the findings section of Colm’s thesis and his presentations. If you are interested in participating in this study, contact Colm by email to colmotuathail@gmail.com


New From the DES

Standardisation of the School Year
0009/2017 - Standardisation of the School Year in respect of Primary & Post-Primary Schools for the years 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20

79 New Schools to be added to DEIS Programme
The DEIS (Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools) Plan 2017, was published by Minister for Education & Skills on Monday 13 February 2017.
In the initial analysis a list of schools with the highest concentrations of at risk pupils/students has been finalised and these schools will begin to receive additional supports with effect from September 2017. The list of schools is available at DEIS Plan 2017- New DEIS Schools List

Read more....

IPPN Sponsors

