10 Dec - HSE/DES Webinar, DES Guidance – End of Year Events

This e-scéal contains useful information on the following:​​

  • IPPN Annual Report 2019/2020
  • School Leaders’ Physical and Emotional Health - IPPN Webinar
  • IPPN Annual Principals’ Conference 2021
  • Leadership+ Article: Leading a Small, Growing School
  • #GRMA December 11
  • DES Guidance – End of Year Events
  • Supplementary Panel
  • HSE/DES Webinar

IPPN Annual Report 2019/2020
This report gives an overview of the work done for, with and on behalf of over 6,000 member principals and deputy principals during the past year, with a focus on member supports & services and advocacy.

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School Leaders’ Physical and Emotional Health - IPPN Webinar
IPPN membership is concerned about the health and wellbeing of school leaders. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence of burnout, fatigue and stress. However, data is needed to understand the full extent of the impact on school leaders and indeed on specific cohorts. It is also necessary to understand the extent to which the pandemic has exacerbated the emotional and physical health issues experienced by principals and deputy principals. IPPN is working with Maynooth University (MU) to look more deeply into this and to look at what actions individuals, stakeholders like IPPN, and the wider education system can take to support leaders’ health. You can take the survey here.

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IPPN Annual Principals’ Conference 2021
This year due to Covid-19 restrictions IPPN has had to make a number of changes to the CPD calendar for 2021. Nothing replaces face-to-face interaction when it comes to building relationships and networking with peers. However, IPPN will endeavour to deliver a host a number of virtual events and is hopeful that face-to-face events will be possible later in the year.

The annual principals’ conference in 2021 will be a one-day virtual event and will be held on 7 May 2021.

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Leadership+ Article: Leading a Small, Growing School
“In 2012, I was appointed as teaching principal of Whitechurch National School; a small school in Rathfarnham nestled between the suburbs and the foot of the Dublin Mountains. Previously, I had taught in both a four-teacher school and a single-stream eight-teacher school. My new school was right in the middle of those, with six mainstream class teachers. I had just about found my feet, juggling between teaching and the ever expanding leadership and admin side of the school, when the Board of Management decided to expand and apply for additional classrooms to be built at the school to meet the ever increasing demand for places.”

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#GRMA December 11
December 11 is a day for saying ‘ Go Raibh Maith Agaibh’ or ‘ Thank You ‘ to everyone in our school communities - Principals, Deputy Principals, Teachers, SNAs, secretaries, caretakers, bus escorts, drivers, lollipop people, catering staff, care assistants , Boards of Management, and Parents Associations for keeping our schools open during Covid-19.

A very special GRMA to all pupils who have worked with us and gone along with all the necessary steps to keep our schools safe in these difficult times.

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DES Guidance – End of Year Events
The issue of singing in relation to Christmas Concerts, Carol Services and rehearsing for them is one that is currently being discussed in many schools. The DES has today issued guidance to schools regarding end of year events.

Schools are reminded of the need to ensure that any plans for the remainder of the year are implemented in line with public health guidelines. The recent guidance reiterates previous advice issued to schools - singing and instrument playing (brass and woodwind) do present an additional risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus. Schools are advised to put measures in place to mitigate any dangers arising from this risk assessment. Typical measures might be to:

  • ensure that the classroom is well ventilated and is not overcrowded
  • maintain adequate physical distance between singers / groups
  • conduct singing outdoors (weather permitting), or in a large well-ventilated room e.g. large halla
  • hum rather than sing
  • record class pieces in a safe space and share these with parents

It would be advisable for school leaders to share the Risk Assessment and mitigating measures with the Chair of the BoM, the BOM Health and Safety Office (where the BoM has appointed one) or the full BoM if there is an opportunity.

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Supplementary Panel
The deadline for the submission of 2021/2022 Supplementary Panel applications is Friday 18 December 2020 by 5.00pm. Postal or email applications are required to be received by the Allocations section of the DES on this date.


HSE/DES Webinar
A number of schools have contacted the support office requesting a link to the recent DES/HSE webinar. This is now available on www.ippn.ie. It can be accessed by selecting the webinar icon at the bottom of this week’s e-scéal.




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