28 Jan - Important Dates, Re-vetting, School Leaders’ Health

This e-scéal contains useful information on the following:​​

  • Important Dates
  • Reminder: Re-vetting with the Teaching Council
  • PDST - Virtual Drop-in Clinics
  • Leadership+ Article: The 3 Rs when Responding to and Planning for Behaviours of Concern
  • School Leaders’ Health – Research by IPPN and Maynooth University
  • New Circular
  • NCCA Children’s School Lives Study

Important Dates

1 February – Final date for teachers to submit their application to the BoM for:

1 March – Final date for SNAs to submit their application to the BoM for:


Reminder: Re-vetting with the Teaching Council
A reminder that the re-vetting process with the Teaching Council takes places every three years. Initial notification to renew vetting with the Teaching Council will be issued to teachers six months in advance of the renewal date. If correspondence has been received from the Teaching Council, it is advisable to prioritise this task and complete the re-vetting process. If not completed in time, salary payment from the department may be affected.

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PDST - Virtual Drop-in Clinics
Over the coming weeks, virtual drop-in clinics are being provided by PDST between 3.30pm – 5.30pm to help support teachers in the use of technology for teaching and learning.

Click here to book register and book your place


Leadership+ Article: The 3 Rs when Responding to and Planning for Behaviours of Concern
Camilla Marks, Specialist Lead Behaviour, NCSE
Children who present with behaviours of concern are often attempting to communicate a hidden message to us. There may be many reasons in a child’s background and current circumstances as to why this message is being communicated. These reasons may include the presence of a special educational need, a history of adverse childhood experiences, difficulties with emotional regulation in busy educational environments, or a combination of all three. It is always worth remembering the power of the three Rs as some first principles when responding to Behaviours of Concern.

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School Leaders’ Health – Research by IPPN and Maynooth University – Final Call to Provide Your Input
IPPN is working with Dr Jolanta Burke and Dr Majella Dempsey of Maynooth University, to undertake deep research into primary school leaders’ physical and emotional health.

The survey will close on Sunday, 31 January. Please add your voice to this important research, which will take 10-15 minutes to complete.

Click here to complete the survey


New Circular
DES Circular 01/2021 - Arrangements for Inspectorate Engagement with Primary and Special Schools January - June 2021


NCCA Children’s School Lives Study
Children’s School Lives is an exciting longitudinal study of primary schooling in Ireland. Initiated in 2018, it is carried out by University College Dublin’s (UCD) School of Education, on behalf of the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA). The first two reports from the study were published in December 2020. Children’s School Lives – An Introduction, Report No 1 introduces us to the children and schools behind Children’s School Lives. It reveals a range of insights into aspects of their everyday lives, such as their family structure, place of birth, mother tongue, social, cultural and material resources, the home learning environment and their involvement in extra-curricular activities. You can click on this video link to find out more. You can access the reports by visiting www.cslstudy.ie








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