18 April 2024 - AON / Postgraduate Diploma in School Leadership

In this week’s E-scéal:

Planning Prompts 

Sometimes, as school leaders, we think that we have to resolve every issue for everyone. Not all problems are yours to solve. Equally, you do not have to be involved in every aspect of work in the school to the point that you are doing most of the work yourself. This is unsustainable. Ask for help when needed. Also ask yourself the following question – Am I doing something that someone else should be doing, could be doing or is being paid to do?

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Last chance to have your say on School Leaders’ Health & Wellbeing!

The Irish Principal & Deputy Principal Health and Wellbeing survey closes this weekend. This is your final opportunity to participate.

We are very conscious of the 250+ school leaders who started the survey, but have not yet completed it. If you are among this number, we would encourage you to make the time to complete the survey before it closes. Your participation will greatly enhance the advocacy work IPPN undertakes to address the issues that emerge.

Click here for details and a survey link


Postgraduate Diploma in School Leadership (PDSL)

The following information may be of interest to teachers in your school who have five or more year’s post-qualification experience.

The Postgraduate Diploma in School Leadership (PDSL) / Dioplóma Gairmiúil i gCeannaireacht Scoile (DGCS) is designed to prepare emerging leaders with the knowledge, skills, confidence and qualifications for senior school leadership positions.

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Assessment of Education Needs

Further to the last update on the Assessment of Education Needs process, engagement with the DE and HSE has led to an understanding of a shared position in respect of how to move forward in compliance with the decisions of Judge Bolger. This shared position was presented and accepted during a Court hearing on 22 March 2024.

The revised process has been subject to consultation with management bodies. Click here to view the key messages at the start of the Circular.

As a result, NCSE guidance has been updated - Click here to access the guidelines.


Leadership+ The Heart of the Matter

In the April issue of Leadership+, Karen Byrne, principal of St Michael’s House Special NS, Skerries, talks about the gifted cohort of staff who make the school ‘a magical space where wonderful things just happen’.

Click here to view/download the article


DCU National Survey on the Inclusion of Autistic Pupils in Irish Primary Schools

The Autism-Friendly Schools Research Project is a national study of inclusive education led by researchers at the DCU Institute of Education and the RCSI. The team will shortly be seeking the views of the wider school community in a nationwide survey.

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Other News 

To be shared with your Board, staff and parent body as appropriate

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