30th May 2024 - SNA Allocations 2024/25

In this week’s E-scéal:


Planning Prompts

Many activities take place especially during the last few weeks of the school year. Remember that you cannot do everything yourself – ask for help. What can be left for September? If you need any information, support or advice contact the Support Office for a call back from a member of the Leadership Support Team.

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Special Needs Assistant Allocation

The DE published Circular 0049/2024 yesterday (29.05.24) detailing the manner in which Special Needs Assistants are to be allocated to schools to support children with care needs in mainstream classes for the 2024/25 school year.

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Supervision and Duty of Care Resource Bundle

Determining acceptable levels of supervision and defining the school’s duty of care is one issue that exercises the minds of many Boards of Management (BoM) and principals. While there is no prescriptive answer provided by the DES, the liability of the BoM is predominantly based on judicial decisions and precedence in previous cases.

This resource bundle examines the most frequently-asked questions that IPPN’s Principal Advice Panel receive and provides best practice and advice. However, it is advisable that a school contact their school insurance provider to receive specific guidance regarding their individual circumstances.

Click here to read Resource Bundle


Leadership+ The Classroom Environment: Helping or Hindering?

Have you ever thought about how the physical environment of your classrooms may be impacting pupils’ regulation and participation in learning? Does the furniture layout support pupils to learn in a way that works best for them? Do the visuals in your classroom help pupils to know what to do, where and when?

Simple changes to our classroom environment can support pupils to manage the daily demands of school life and support their ability to engage with learning and with others.

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City/County Network Annual Meetings

IPPN will be visiting your county in September/October 2024.

As well as key updates and a review of the year, there will be an opportunity to become more involved in the work of IPPN by representing your city/county network on the National Council.

Click here to book your place and view the full schedule

Ciall Ceannaithe

Ciall Ceannaithe is IPPN’s dedicated online training course for school leaders both newly appointed and as well as experienced principals who wish to refresh their practice and update their skills.

Click here for more info & book your place

IPPN Sponsors

