16th May - End of Year Reports - Dos and Don'ts

In this week’s E-scéal:


Planning Prompts

At this time of year, the dangers of interpersonal conflict are very well known. When facing a difficult situation, asking yourself two questions posed by Brené Brown may help you navigate through choppy waters.

“Do I have enough information to freak out? The answer is normally no.

Will freaking out help? The answer is always no”.

Keeping calm in the face of difficulty is essential to providing a cool measured response.

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Professional Guidance: End of Year Reports – Dos and Don’ts

Guidance on completing reports provided by the Department in the past acknowledges that ‘there is considerable scope for schools in how they report on children’s progress and achievement’.
Circular 56/2011 requires schools to report on four areas:

  • the child as a learner
  • the child’s personal and social development
  • the child’s progress with learning in curriculum areas or subjects
  • next steps in the child’s learning, including ways for parents to help.

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Filling of assistant principal posts can commence now

Agreement has been reached between the INTO, Department of Education and Primary Management Bodies which provides for the commencement of the recruitment process for posts of responsibility that fall vacant on or after the 1st September prior to the end of the previous school year. Circular 0029/2024 contains a revised allocation of posts to schools including 500 more Assistant Principals 2 (AP2) posts, which were provided for in Budget 2024.

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School Tours & Summer Camps

Summer time is fast approaching, which means a busy time for schools organise tours & camps.

Have a look at Allianz' tips for planning these events.

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Employing Retired Teachers 

The Department of Education would like to remind schools of their obligations in regard to the employment of retired public servants.

Refer to Circular 24/2022 and familiarise yourself with the contents, in particular paragraphs 22 to 26. See also the template declaration which each new employee must complete.

Some key points to note:

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Leadership+ Issue 132 - Jack Durkan - Leading from the Middle: Empowering School Leadership

Let’s face it, the days of the lone-ranger, ‘I’m the boss‘ leadership style is gone. If not, it needs to be!

In the dynamic ecosystem of education, the concept of leadership has evolved beyond traditional hierarchical structures. While principals and administrators play crucial roles in setting the vision and direction of a school, the concept of ‘leading from the middle’ is gaining traction as an effective approach to empowering teachers and all staff to take ownership of their roles in school improvement.

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A date for your diary: IPPN Principals Conference 2024 

IPPN will be visiting your county in September/October 2024.

As well as key updates and a review of the year, there will be an opportunity to become more involved in the work of IPPN by representing your city/county network on the National Council.

Click here to book your place and view the full schedule


Ciall Ceannaithe

Ciall Ceannaithe is IPPN’s dedicated online training course for school leaders both newly appointed and as well as experienced principals who wish to refresh their practice and update their skills.

Click here for more info & book your place

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