9th May - Making the Recruitment Process Easier to Manage / Free Primary Schoolbooks Scheme

In this week's E-scéal:


Planning Prompts

There are certain times of the year when instances of interpersonal conflict tend to escalate. This usually happens in the run up to holiday periods.

Awareness of one’s own emotions and being calm, can produce a more measured response, whether that be in a face to face meeting, on a call or in responding to an email.

Allow time to consider how you will respond. Seek support if needed from the Leadership Support Team.

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Key Information re. Free Primary Schoolbooks Scheme 2024

  • The 2024 scheme was announced by the Minister on 8th May
  • Schools should receive the grant approx. 10 days after that.
  • The amount per child is €80 (€96 last year). The reason given for the reduction is the retained use of books purchased last year, so overall expenditure should be lower.
  • IPPN will evaluate this in the autumn.
  • The administrative support grant has been increased in response to feedback provided by IPPN on behalf of members. While it recognises the extent of the workload involved in implementing the scheme, it is not enough.
  • The audit process has been scaled back in response to the feedback provided by IPPN.

The Guidelines can be accessed here.

IPPN’s full response is available here.


Professional Guidance: Making the Recruitment Process Easier to Manage

There is little doubt that recruitment is one of the most important tasks in terms of ensuring high quality teaching & learning and a positive school culture. However, it is a labour intensive process.

The Sustainable Leadership report identified 20 discrete actions that were required as part of the recruitment process, most of which land on the desk of the school leader. Mindful of this reality, and to make the management of the recruitment process easier, IPPN developed its online recruitment portal as part of the Educationposts.ie platform.

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IPPN Advocacy – Making your role more doable

IPPN emailed all members on Tuesday 7th May to ensure that you are kept informed with regard to the focus of IPPN’s advocacy work and to what has been happening in terms of progress and developments in relation to:

1. Making your role more doable
2. Meeting Special Education Needs
3. School Funding
4. Extension of the Small Schools Action Research Project
5. Administrative Status for Deputy Principals in Special Schools.

Click here to read the full communication


CPSMA Survey on School Finances

CPSMA is undertaking a survey to gather feedback regarding finances in primary schools, so as to better advocate for the necessary support and resources.
Any identifying data which may be shared in the survey will be anonymised by CPSMA. Comments provided may be quoted/referenced as part of on-going discussions, on an anonymous basis.

IPPN fully supports CPSMA in the gathering of this data and encourages all school leaders to participate.

Click here to complete the survey


Leadership+ Summer Programme - John Slattery, Scoil Iosef Naofa, Roscrea

I am the Principal of a DEIS Band 1 school in Roscrea with 28 teachers and 9 SNAs, and have participated in the Summer Programme for the past nine years.

I am an Irish twin to a special needs brother, which is a major factor in my decision to lead the programme yearly. When a particular issue touches your own family, it makes it very personal.

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City/County Network Annual Meetings

IPPN will be visiting your county in September/October 2024. There will also be an opportunity to become more involved in the work of IPPN by representing your city/county network on the National Council.

Click here to book your place and view the full schedule



IPPN Sponsors

