E-scéal 9th Jan 2025 - President's Message / Timing of Networking Emails

President’s New Year Message

I would like to wish you all very Happy New Year and I hope you had a good break over Christmas. I hope that the return to school went well for those of you able to return.

I know that for many of us in various parts of the country, the weather continues to pose significant challenges to travel and the safe re-opening of schools. I quote Minister Foley, ‘the right decision for schools is the one that puts safety first and principals are making these choices’…

I recognise the stress making these decisions brings for each of you but, in consultation with your Board and your local Principal colleagues, you can only do your best to evaluate the weather and road conditions to ensure the safety of the whole school community.

As we celebrate 25 years of IPPN in 2025, we look forward to visiting your county with the ‘Making Your Leadership Role More Doable’ workshops over the coming months and to meeting and supporting you in your role.

Le meas agus gach dea-ghuí,
Louise Tobin


Timing of Networking Emails
The IPPN National Council’s Advocacy and Communications Committee considered a number of elements of IPPN’s communication with members at its November 30th meeting.
Given IPPN’s focus on school leaders’ wellbeing, it was agreed that school leaders would welcome a time limit on when emails are released to the Network via the mailing list. This may help the responsibility school leaders have to themselves to set boundaries on their working hours.

A timeframe of 8.30am to 5.30pm was agreed, for the following reasons:
1. As school leaders and professionals, there is probably a reasonable expectation that our working day is somewhat longer than the school day.
2. For our Teaching Principals and Teaching Deputy Principals, looking at or posting to the Network during the school day is probably not feasible, so allowing some time either side of the school day might be helpful.
3. Some of those who moderate the Network may also be at school, so they may need some time outside of school hours to do that work and to post the moderated emails.

What this means in practice is that members can post an email to networking@ippn.ie at any time that suits them, but, if it is received after 5.30pm, it will not be reviewed and released to the mailing list until at least 8.30am the following school day.

Networking will close when schools close, on public holidays and during normal school closures at Christmas, Easter and from the end of June to late August. Discretionary mid-term days will be considered further, as many schools choose to stay open on those days to take a longer break in summer.
This new timeframe is in place from January 2025.

Planning Prompts
As you set goals for the school, IPPN’s P-I-E-W framework and resources may well assist in identifying those goals and managing the implementation and embedding of the school’s priorities.
Remember also that it is important to prioritise your own self-care. Set aside time for reflection. This will be time well spent. As a school leader, you cannot do everything and you cannot do it on your own. Prioritise and communicate to staff and parents the priorities laid out in the School Improvement Plan (SIP) for the term.

Read More

Professional Guidance – Dignity and Respect in the Workplace: Optimising the School Working Environment
Schools are workplaces. Unfortunately, some have a culture of disrespect and hostility, which mars the daily lives of those who work in them. Too many school leaders and staff members suffer from stress and anxiety as a result. This must stop. To be treated with dignity and respect is a basic human right.

How can school leaders ensure an optimum working environment? The following are important factors for consideration in this regard.

Dignity and Respect at Work (DRaW) Toolkit

IPPN DP Conference 2025 – Book your place today

IPPN Workshops - Making your leadership role more 'doable'

Leadership+ Issue 135 – Managing Reluctant School Attendance
Adele McConkey, NEPS

Reluctant attendance and school avoidance behaviour describes children and young people’s reluctance to go to school, being late for school, missing specific classes, particular times of the day, or being absent from school regularly or for long periods of time. There are many terms in the literature used to describe this experience, including ‘school avoidance', 'school refusal' or 'emotionally-based school avoidance.’ Language in this area is important and it can help to steer away from locating the problem within the child/young person and lead to more useful ways of intervening.


DE Circulars
0081/2024 - Understanding Behaviours of Concern and Responding to Crisis Situations Guidelines for Schools in Supporting Students


Sectoral Updates
DE Publication: Understanding Behaviours of Concern and Responding to Crisis Situations

DE Advice - ‘Be Winter Ready’
As the current spell of cold weather continues, the Department of Education wishes to remind all schools of the useful advice contained in the Government’s ‘Be Winter Ready’ campaign.
The ‘Be Winter Ready’ website and 2024-2025 campaign booklet includes advice for schools on dealing with issues related to weather conditions, including colour-coded warnings and health and safety and direct links to relevant circulars.

Schools and Early Learning and Childcare settings should monitor weather forecasts in order to be prepared for any severe weather, which may affect their setting.
During periods of severe weather, schools should assess the situation using the guidance available in ‘Be Winter Ready’, which can be accessed online here: https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/e1d49a-schools-and-severe-weather-be-winter-ready/.

Schools should be prepared, keep themselves informed and remain vigilant.

Areas for consideration include maintenance of premises and utilities, salting and gritting and transport to and from school and having regard to local conditions.

The Department of Education, along with other Government departments, is carefully monitoring developments with the weather.

A decision on whether to remain closed or to delay reopening times is a matter for individual school management boards around the country in light of local weather conditions.

Primary Schoolbook Scheme 2024/25 Teachers Survey
The Department of Education is gathering feedback from teachers, who are important stakeholders in the Free Schoolbooks scheme as they experience first-hand the effects of the scheme, both from the point of view of all of their students having access to books and from any possible involvement in the organisation of the scheme in the school.
A 5-minute online survey is now available. School leaders are requested to circulate the link to the survey among their teaching and learning support staff. It is available in English and Irish and remains opens until 24th January. Click here to open the survey

CPSMA survey on unfilled acting posts of responsibility - API and APII in 2023/24 and 2024/25 school years
The aim of the survey is to clarify the timelines required for the payment of allowances for acting post holders. The survey will remain open until 17th January
Ministers Foley and Naughton announce the recruitment campaign for therapists to work in schools with children /

Gender Pay Gap report 2024 / Tuarascáil ar an mBearna Phá idir na hInscní 2024

Consultation with children and young people on the role of Special Needs Assistants

Department of Education Inspectorate Report (2021-2023) and Thematic Review / Tuarascáil na Cigireachta (2021 – 2023) agus Athbhreithniú Téamach

School Sector Technical Climate Action Roadmap 2024 to 2030 / Scoileanna agus Aimsir Throm - Bí Réidh don Gheimhreadh

Be Well, Lead Well
Tip # 5: Take 10 Long slow, deep breaths – inhale for a count of 5, pause for 1, exhale for 5, pause for 1


Did you know?
Oide Technology in Education
School leaders discussing digital learning in their schools - Use the filter 'Leadership & Management' to find leadership videos: https://oidetechnologyineducation.ie/videos
Ever considered creating your own GPT's? To find out what they are, what they do and how you can get in on the action see this resource http://tiny.cc/qevyzz
Following on from International Human Rights Day - check out some Scoilnet resources that teachers found really valuable and you can do also in your CSPE or Geography classroom! http://tiny.cc/5fvyzz

HSA BeSMART.ie: Free online safety statement and risk assessment tool
The Health and Safety Authority have developed BeSMART.ie, a free online safety statement and risk assessment tool that can be completed by schools as part of their management of health and safety, including the safety statement and risk assessment.
Schools are not required to develop safety statements/risk assessments using the BeSMART.ie tool, but may do so if they wish.
BeSMART.ie was developed in line with the templates contained within the ‘Guidelines on Managing Safety, Health, and Welfare in Primary Schools’ which you will be familiar with.

ERC PIRLS 2021: Exploring the contexts for reading of primary school pupils in Ireland
Infographics & Appendices

Registration for Safer Internet Day 2025 is open
There are lots of simple and fun ways to join the celebrations on Feb 11th
Share your #SID2025 plans, and order your free wristbands for participants

External Research - Assistance Needed
Primary school principals needed to participate in one online focus group
Sinéad Ruane is undertaking doctoral research for her thesis on ‘Curriculum development, mediation and enactment: an exploration of the process of meso-level curriculum making from the perspective of primary school leaders in Ireland’. This research will focus on how key messages from curriculum are communicated within, to, and from the meso-level of the education system to school leaders.
Contact Sinéad below for further information or to express your interest.

Email: sinead.mcdermott.2022@mumail.ie


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