E-scéal 16th Jan 2025 - Programme for Government – Education Priorities
- Published: 16 January 2025
Programme for Government – Education Priorities
IPPN welcomes the commitment in the Education of the new Programme for Government to the trialling of ‘new administrative supports and arrangements for principals and boards of management to reduce the non-educational aspect of their workloads’ as well as plans to ‘introduce a new national Small Schools Project for all 1,300 small primary schools to protect these school communities and develop new administrative supports‘. This has been a core focus of our advocacy work in recent years, as highlighted in our Sustainable Leadership reports.
We also welcome the commitment to the provision of additional supports for schools and boards of management in stating that the Government will, among a number of other initiatives over its lifetime:
- conduct a review of leadership and CPD supports to ensure that school management structures are adequately equipped to manage changes to the education system
- establish a new DEIS Plus Scheme to support schools with the highest level of educational disadvantage to improve educational outcomes
- increase capitation funding
- develop a workforce plan for the education sector
- expand the Home School Liaison Coordinator Scheme
- introduce changes as needed to the operation of the free schoolbooks scheme
- streamline the delivery of modular accommodation for special classes and special schools so that it is in place in advance of the school year
- create a dedicated National Therapy Service in Education, beginning with special schools
- increase the Minor Works Scheme payment and ensure it is paid on an annual basis
- ensure that the Summer Works Scheme operates every year to ensure good maintenance of school buildings
- prioritise the development of PE halls and sporting facilities (including yards and play areas) for schools in conjunction with the Sports Capital Fund
- reduce the general Pupil Teacher Ratio at primary level to 19:1.
IPPN is committed to ensuring that those aspirations that relate to school leadership are actioned.
Programme for Government 2025 - see page 66 for Education segment
Planning Prompts
Shortly, decisions will need to be made regarding Career Breaks, Job Sharing and other forms of leave. The decisions made by the BoM regarding leave may not always be what a staff member wanted and can necessitate difficult conversations. Discuss with the Chairperson how best to communicate the Board’s decision. The Leadership Support team is available to offer support in preparation for having a difficult conversation. Healthy relationships include difficult conversations.
IPPN Roadshow – Coming soon to a venue near you!
Leadership+ Issue 135 – Eochair: A Key to Happy, Active, and Inclusive Learning
Eochair is a child-centred and teacher-friendly toolkit that equips teachers with innovative and engaging instructional strategies, skills, and tactics. It aligns with the Primary Curriculum Framework in Ireland, aiming to integrate learning, teaching, and assessment for an enriched classroom experience.
What makes Eochair such a special programme for our school is the story behind its evolution. Two of our teachers played a pivotal role in adapting the Instructional Leadership program specifically for primary education.
DE Circulars
0003/2025 - Teacher Fee Refund Scheme 2024 / Scéim Aisíoctha Táillí Múinteoirí 2024
Sectoral Updates
Evaluation of the Supporting Traveller and Roma (STAR) Pilot Project Report
NCSE Survey - Teacher Professional Learning Needs for 2025/2026
Complete the 10-minute survey here https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BYKWYV5?dm_i=7L5E,8DIF,4MI7V,12Q6I,1
Oide Primary STEM
The NCCA Primary Mathematics Toolkit provides practical support for teachers in building rich mathematical learning experiences for children through mathematical concepts, progression continua, support materials & examples of children’s learning.
Read More http://curriculumonline.ie/primary/curriculum-areas/mathematics/toolkit/
Check your school email for booking links from Oide Primary STEM for Primary Maths Curriculum Leaders’ Clinics.
Oide Primary Literacy
The Government's Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy Strategy 2024-2033 aligns with Reading Recovery and the Primary Curriculum Framework to empower every learner to reach their full potential, contribute meaningfully to society and to lead a fulfilling life. See more at https://tinyurl.com/39jd9vym
Oide Technology in Education
View the full range of online courses available on the online courses section of our website.
View/Enrol: https://bit.ly/OnlineCos
Discover Scoilnet's resources around the International Year of Glacier Preservation 2025, from engaging lessons to real-life actions, inspire students to explore glacier science, climate action, and sustainability. http://tiny.cc/bhb4001
Understanding Behaviours Concern and Responding to Crisis Situations - Guidelines for Schools in Supporting Students
Wednesday 5th February 2025 – 10 am session
5th February 2025 – 1.30 pm session
INTO Webinar Series
- Principals Seminars – Legal & Industrial, Curriculum & Professional, T&Cs
- Fostering Inclusivity – Anti-bias/anti-racism, Supporting Traveller pupils, Religious minorities
- Asthma Care
See into.ie for details
Allianz Guidance - Frost/freeze damage prevention and handling
With the cold snap taking hold, it is timely to look at any preventative measures that can be taken to protect your school property. We outline a checklist and some actions that we encourage you to follow. If you do experience some property damage, rest assured Allianz is here to help its customers. Some basic steps to be taken in the event of damage and relevant contact details are outlined below also.
Read More
Be Well, Lead Well
Tip # 6: Find a practice that allows you to find yourself again, where you actually feel (even for 1, 3 or 5 minutes) relaxed and ready to take on the next challenge.
Did you know?
Meet the Scientist Webinar Series for Primary Pupils in 4th to 6th Class
Every Wednesday at 12pm, with a replay every Friday at 1:30pm. Register now for free access at http://meetthescientist.ie. Supported by ESCI, UCG and Research Ireland.
Children's Rights Alliance Priorities
Putting children & young people first requires commitments across child protection & welfare, ensuring access to safe housing & healthcare, more child-friendly communities and copper-fastening children's rights in laws and policies.
Next Programme for Government – Prioritising Children and Young People - https://bit.ly/4hc5OkP
ICP - International Confederation of Principals YouTube channel
See Peter Kent’s COP 28 seminar, featuring global school leaders sharing case studies on education and climate solutions.
Subscribe and stay inspired: https://youtube.com/watch?v=OHUpXjiHe38
ESCI - The Holocaust webinars:
10th February Book https://bit.ly/4gKCmmh
10th March Book https://bit.ly/4fNJFYY
7th April Book https://bit.ly/3BO0Trz
Léargas - Looking for support, collaboration, or inspiration?
From Erasmus+ application support to connecting with project partners or learning something new, we’ve got events for everyone. Explore all opportunities here ➡️ https://bit.ly/3Wcer6V
National Parents' Council - Free virtual training sessions for Parents
Offers practical advice to help parents/guardians to
- foster resilience in your child to navigate life's challenges.
- promote emotional well-being through meaningful communication.
- strengthen your relationship with your child by understanding their needs.
Sessions will be held at 10am and 7:30pm, Monday to Thursday 20th - 23rd January and 10am on Friday, 24th January.
Register https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Mental_Health_January_2025