E-scéal 23rd Jan - SET Deployment Circular and Guidelines

Planning Prompts

A person’s greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated, and a person who is appreciated will always do more than what is expected. As a school leader, there is much you can do to make the school community a place of positivity, creating a climate where staff are valued for their contributions and where the desire to continue contributing and striving for success is maintained.

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Professional Guidance: SET Deployment Circular and Guidelines

The Guidelines underpinning circular 64/2024 (which revise and replace those issued in 2017) provide comprehensive information on the deployment of Special Education Teaching (SET) resources, as well as information on

  • the principles underpinning the SET model
  • the roles and responsibilities of school management and staff
  • the problem-solving process for identification of need, planning interventions and reviewing the response to interventions.

This summary highlights what school leaders need to be aware of, including:

  • Resources to support Effective Practice in Key Areas
  • Deployment of SET resources, potential cases of incorrect deployment
  • External supports.

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IPPN DP Conference 2025 – DPMeet Seminar

At this year’s event, the following deputy principals will present on these topics at the DPMeet, facilitated by Aoife O’Connor:

Emer Vance St. Peter’s Primary School DEIS Initiatives
Máire Lyons Moyderwell Mercy Working together with Middle Management
Mags Moore Beaumont Boys NS Nurture Rooms
Coran Swayne East Cork Community Special School Educational leadership and inclusion
Kim Kelly Roundwood NS School values and relationships
Rachel Burke Kildare Educate Together DP Support Groups
Anne Marie O’Rourke Beaumont Girls NS Séanie - School Therapy Dog

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Leadership+ Issue 135 – Bespoke Mentoring

Bespoke mentoring for primary principals is provided by Oide’s Leadership Division. It is tailored to the their unique needs and goals of individual principals in their own specific school contexts. The nature of bespoke mentoring is formative and developmental, facilitated in a formal one-to-one mentoring relationship.

This free support is aimed at providing time and space to principals to reflect on their role, to address their challenges in absolute confidence, and to provide a listening ear from a colleague experienced in the field.

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Sectoral Updates

DE Survey of Substitute Teachers

Please share with any subs working in your school

The Department is conducting the annual survey of substitute teachers and is seeking your assistance in the promotion of the survey to substitute teachers.

The purpose of this 10-minute survey is to help the Department understand patterns of working of substitute teachers in primary and post-primary schools in Ireland. The Department is inviting anyone who has provided substitute work in the last school year 2023/24 to respond. The information gathered will be used for statistical purposes only and will be presented in aggregate in the form of a report.

Share a link to the survey: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/Sub_teacher_supply_survey

Be Well, Lead Well

Recap of the series so far. Finding Calm within the Chaos – Donncha Phelan

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Did you know?

Creative Schools 2025-2026

Applications will open February 28. Schools and Youthreach centres that join the programme take part in a two-year guided journey to develop a Creative Schools Plan unique to their own school, and to put it into action.


Free to be me - Resource Packs - Children's Books Ireland


Youth Voice in Creative Schools – Reflections on Practice

The Arts Council has recently published Youth Voice in Creative Schools – Reflections on Practice , celebrating the work of children, creative associates and schools across the country, offering insights, case studies and reflections on their work and showing how youth voice is central to Creative Schools.


Maynooth University Department of Education Doctor of Education Proposal writing workshop

Online proposal writing workshop - 29th January 7pm to 8pm


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IPPN Sponsors

