E-scéal 13th February 2025 - Staffing and SET Allocation Circulars & Applications for Review
- Published: 26 February 2025
Stay informed via your weekly E-scéal
Planning Prompts
This week, the Planning Prompts are particularly short. This is deliberate as, next week, schools will be taking either part or all of the week as the mid-term break. As a school leader, you will be encouraging staff to make the most of this time to rest and enjoy time with family and friends. It is vital that you also take this time to replenish yourself. Some prompts are included here to help prepare for next week’s break. However, there will be things you have to do now that cannot wait until after mid-term. Bain taitneamh agus tairbhe as an mbriseadh meán-téarma.
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Staffing and SET Allocation Circulars & Applications for Review
The annual staffing circular (0011/2025) and related appendices and SET Allocation circular (0004/2025) issued to schools on Tuesday 11th February. The combination of the two circulars details the total allocation of teaching staff to schools for the 2025/26 school year and the rationale that underpins that allocation. The following is an overview of the key points.
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IPPN Roadshow & Workshops
Join IPPN at a venue near you for a workshop which will support and enhance your leadership effectiveness. Feedback on the first month’s workshops has been excellent.
More info and Register
DE Circulars
Special Education Teacher (SET) allocation for 2025/26 school year - Primary
Staffing arrangements in Primary Schools for the 2025/26 school year
Sectoral Updates
The Department of Education Inspectorate Report (2021-2023) and Thematic Review
This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the quality of education provision in Irish primary schools, special schools and post-primary schools, early learning and care settings and other educational contexts between January 2021 and December 2023.
Read the publication
NEPS Friends for Life Programme
Find out more
Acting/retiring school leaders in your school?
If your school has an acting principal or deputy principal, or a newly-appointed leader, please let IPPN know by email to info@ippn.ie so that we can ensure that they are informed of all the supports and services available to them. Go raibh maith agat.
Leadership+ Issue 136 - Nurturing Schools and Nurture Rooms
Margaret Twomey Moore, Deputy Principal, Beaumont Boys School, Cork
In the past few years, nurture rooms have become more common in Irish primary schools in response to increasing challenges in social and emotional wellbeing for our children. Our school decided to open a nurture room in September 2023. Before we did, I found it hard to imagine what a nurture room was and how it worked. Therefore, I hope that by sharing our experience, it might help others to figure out if this is the right decision for your setting.
Read article
Be Well, Lead Well
Tip #9 ‘End the Day On a Positive Note’
‘Not Another Teacher’ Podcast hosts Martin and Polly interview Robbie O’Connell as he shares his insights on leadership and well-being in the education sector.
Listen on Spotify
Did You Know?
Data Protection Commissioner’s Toolkit for Schools
Resource developed by MHC offers essential guidance for schools on managing children’s data, handling access requests, and ensuring compliance. With key insights on consent, third-party data sharing, and CCTV policies, the guidance should be considered by schools.
MHC Webinar: Education Update for Primary & Secondary Schools
5 March 3pm
NCCA Primary Podcast
NCCA have launched a new podcast series that presents conversations about the redeveloped Primary School Curriculum. The aim of the podcast is to inspire reflection and discussion as we work together to bring the curriculum to life in primary and special schools across Ireland. Podcast sessions address a range of topics that will be of interest to school leaders, including ‘Why the primary curriculum is changing?’ and ‘Leading and sustaining curriculum change in primary schools’.