Professional Guidance: Class Allocation – 'Picking the Team'
- Published: 10 March 2025
In sport, the manager’s ability to select the best team formation, from the panel of players available, is often the difference between winning and losing. While education is not about winning or losing, as school leader you can certainly identify with the role of the team manager, or in the case of Teaching Principals, player-manager. Other than the wisdom needed to recruit the best people, the skill of allocating teachers to different teaching roles is probably the most important function a school leader has in determining the overall quality of learning in a school.
The Class Allocation process should be considered more in the context of TEAM and Teamwork, and less in the context of individual preference. This judgement call of balancing the needs of the school with the preference of the staff member is a delicate and sometimes lonely one, hence the expression ‘the loneliness of the Manager’s job’. Such balance is best achieved by engagement in school and staff-wide preparatory work beforehand.
Different types of school, as well as issues such as custom and practice, classes of extraordinary size or pupil needs all point towards one conclusion - there is no perfect way of going about the process of allocating classes. There are, however, common elements that apply to every school.
For many school leaders, the annual challenge of which teachers will teach which classes can sometimes prove to be problematic. The school leader must weigh the options carefully, bearing in mind the preferences of teachers, the needs of the school or a particular class and other information particular to a school situation that may influence decisions. To be clear from the outset, the function of allocating teachers to classes is both a duty and a responsibility of the Principal. This means that the parents, the Board of Management and the staff of the school cannot and must not be part of the final decision-making process.
It is advisable to have a policy of staff rotation - moving to different classes after a number of years teaching the same class level. This allows staff to develop their own professional experience across a range of classes. If such a policy is not in place at this stage, it might be best to wait for the new school year to develop one, in consultation with staff. A discussion with the Deputy Principal regarding the considerations involved in arriving at a final decision can provide much-needed support in what can be a challenging process.
Change can help to freshen the thinking in certain areas, particularly around the implementation of new strategies. Many schools use a preference sheet where each teacher gets to select their first, second and third choice of class level. Normally, the five categories used are Infants/1st & 2nd/3rd & 4th/ 5th & 6th/Support Teaching. If the school has a Special Class, this will also of course feature.
This is helpful to the Principal in reaching a decision. Class-based moves should not be announced at staff meetings without each person present knowing beforehand the class to which they have been allocated.
Some staff members may be disappointed with decisions. Discuss with the teacher any of the challenges facing them and any supports they may need in their particular situation. No guarantees can or should be made to any staff member with regard to class allocation in the future, as circumstances change from one year to the next.
It may be agreed that decisions taken around staff allocation should be kept confidential amongst staff until close to the end of the school year. This, however, is a matter to be decided by each school. Whatever arrangements are put in place, ensure that all staff are aware of and comply with the school procedures and agreed policies.
Some difficult conversations can often ensue from the class allocation process. The Leadership Support Team is available to discuss the thrust of these conversations and the language used prior to engaging in them. Contact the Support Office on 021 4824070.