E-scéal 6th March 2025 - Staffing and SET Returns Deadline / SEN Clustering

  • Staffing and SET Returns Deadline
  • Planning Prompts
  • SET Clustering Noticeboard
  • DE Circulars
  • Sectoral Updates
  • Leadership+ Issue 136 - P-I-E-W Capacity Planning & the IPPN Roadshow
  • Be Well, Lead Well
  • Did you know?
  • Partnership Schools Ireland
  • External Research Invitation – Administrative Deputy Principals in Special School

 Staffing and SET Returns Deadline – 11th March

The following forms are to be returned to the DE by 11th March (where relevant):

SET Deadlines

IPPN Overview

Planning Prompts
The importance of including time for reflective conversations at staff meetings cannot be over emphasised. These conversations may centre on vision/ethos, wellbeing for all or indeed managing conflict. The best time to do this is when there is no issue. Particularly with conflict that will inevitably arise, discussion promotes understanding and agreement on the ways in which resolution is best achieved. It is advisable for the policy arising out of these discussions to be included on a regular basis at staff meetings.
Read More

SET Clustering Noticeboard on EducationPosts.ie
The SET Clustering Noticeboard on EducationPosts.ie allows schools to review existing notices, and post notices for other schools to view. Notices are active for a minimum of 10 working days, depending on the Noticeboard chosen.

To post a notice:

  1. Login to your account
  2. Access Noticeboards > choose the relevant noticeboard > click New SET Cluster
  3. Read and accept the disclaimer
  4. Enter the relevant notice details and click Preview
  5. Click Everything is correct - continue


Fake Circular
Please note the below purported circular with this title and circular number (0021/2025) is not genuine and did not issue from the Department of Education. The DE has emailed all schools to advise them to ignore this fake circular if they come across it. You can check the validity of circulars you receive on website gov.ie/circulars 

Fake Circular

0022/2025 - Postgraduate Certificate/Diploma of Teacher Professional Learning for Teachers working with Students with Special Educational Needs – Autism

Clár Teastais/Dioplóma Iarchéime um Fhorbairt Ghairmiúil Leanúnach do Mhúinteoirí atá ag obair le Scoláirí a bhfuil Riachtanais Speisialta Oideachais Uathachas acu

DE Inspectorate - Promotion of Wellbeing in Schools Evaluation Visits
Following the final consultation meeting in November 2024, the Guide to the Promotion of Wellbeing in Schools Evaluation was finalised and submitted to the Minister for Education for approval, in line with Section 13(8) of the Education Act 1998. The Minister has approved the model, and the Guide to Inspection in Primary Schools was updated and published on 10 February 2025. As a result, Promotion of Wellbeing in Schools Evaluation visits will commence in the coming weeks.
View the Guide

DE Customer Service
Customer Query Form
The Customer Query Form has been introduced by the Department of Education under the Customer Service Strategy 2024-2026, to further increase efficiencies and modernise service delivery platforms. This is intended to enhance DE customer service, by ensuring that all queries are tracked and processed in a timely and professional manner by the appropriate individual.
The Form is now available for all queries regarding payroll, pensions and school transport. To ensure that all queries are managed reliably and efficiently, by the appropriate individual, from 7 March 2025 the following mailboxes will direct school staff customers to the Customer Query Form.

School Staff sign-up for voluntary testing
The Department of Education is seeking volunteers to participate in the testing of new systems, and focus groups to help improve customer service.
Info & Register

Relate Guidelines
Relate is a regulation‐first approach that reframes behaviour by putting relationships, understanding, and the learning environment at the forefront. With practical tools and professional learning opportunities, NCSE Relate empowers educators by offering practical strategies and insights for inclusive learning.

Assessment of Need (AON) Padlet for Schools

Government of Ireland Literacy, Numeracy and Digital literacy Strategy 2024-2033
The strategy is set across all stages of the learner's journey from early learning and care (ELC) to post-primary school. It aims to promote the development of essential literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy skills, knowledge, and dispositions including successfully navigating an ever-evolving digital world.

Leadership+ - P-I-E-W Capacity Planning & the IPPN Roadshow
Páiric Clerkin

Alongside the Guide to the Leadership of Teaching and Learning and the Leadership Reflection Log, IPPN has also developed P-I-E-W - Capacity Planning Framework - Empowering School Leaders through Prioritising. We believe that P-I-E-W can help move the dial on the sustainability of school leadership. All these resources fully complement the SSE and SIP or DEIS planning processes.

IPPN president Louise, past president Damian White and I are on the road visiting every county during 2025, to present on the above, and to ensure that the 700 principals and deputy principals who have indicated an interest in joining a support group have access to one, and to present a workshop on P-I-E-W.
Read article

IPPN Roadshow 2025
Full Roadshow Schedule

Register for a Workshop

Be Well, Lead Well

Tip #11 A healthy priority list:
1. Self
2. Personal relationship
3. Children
4. Wider family
5. Work
6. The rest (friends, hobbies etc.)

If you are not well yourself and your personal relationship is not healthy, the rest will suffer.
Dr Harry Barry, speaking at the IPPN Deputy Principals' Conference in Galway, 13th February


Did you know?

Children’s Rights Alliance Report Card 2025
Read the Report

Children's Development Initiative/Tusla - Wellbeing with Restorative Practices Resources for Teachers
Free downloadable resources for 5th and 6th class students

All-Ireland Pollinator Plan
New, free online course ‘Managing School Grounds for Biodiversity’ for school caretakers & groundskeepers, developed in collaboration with the Department for Education.
Find out more

Accessible Arts Education
This free event is relevant to classroom teachers, SEN teachers and support staff. A Dean's Lecture Series event at the DCU Institute of Education with Dr. Rhoda Bernard, Berklee Institute for Accessible Arts Education - for children and young people with Special Education Needs, focusing on music and arts activity.
Book a place

For the attention of parents/guardians

NPC RSE programme, Supporting Your Child to Build Healthy Friendships and Relationships
Monday 10th to Thursday 13th March 10am and 7.30pm
Friday 14th March 10am only

Partnership Schools Ireland
PSI is a proven model that brings schools, families, and communities together to improve outcomes for children.
Backed by over 40 years of research from Dr. Joyce Epstein, PSI helps schools build Action Teams for Partnership (ATP), empowering parents, teachers, and local communities to work together. Schools involved in PSI report:
✅ Improved academic achievement 📚
✅ Better attendance and student engagement 🎒
✅ Stronger social and behavioural development 🤝
✅ A more connected and supportive school environment 🏫
PSI is a joint initiative of the National Parents Council Primary (NPC), IPPN, and the Department of Education.

External Research Invitation – Administrative Deputy Principals in Special Schools
Fiona Byrnes, seconded Principal of St. Anthony’s Special School in Mayo, is conducting a study with Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, on the experiences, perceptions, and needs of Administrative Deputy Principals (ADPs) in Special Schools as they transition from teaching to full-time leadership roles.

If you have are an ADP in a Special School, you are invited to participate in this study. Your insights will contribute to a greater understanding of the role and may help inform future supports for ADPs.

Participants are asked to complete an initial survey, which will be sent to your school’s official email address on 10th March.

For further information, please contact Fiona Byrnes at 9535403@micstudent.mic.ul.ie.

IPPN Sponsors

