Planning Prompt 26th Sep 2012

  • Timetables/Staff Meetings/School Calendar
  • Roll books
  • OLCS

Good Morning All,

Sometimes the pace of school life can be frenetic. Sometimes we have difficult conversations with people that may leave us drained. At certain times like this our breathing becomes shallow. We almost forget to breathe! Taking a minute or two in a quiet place to concentrate on your breathing can restore you and allow you to resume your work in a calm manner. It is time well spent.

Le meas,

Angela Lynch

IPPN National Support Office


Timetables/Staff Meetings/School Calendar

Can you delegate responsibility for compiling various timetables for shared areas/hall times/access to resources to member/members of ISM team? Secretary may also compile some of these timetables and distribute for approval/amendments.

Dates/times for staff meetings for school year can be decided at first meeting in September along with school calendar. All school closures must be added to OLCS and may also be posted on school website.

Roll books

Remind staff of the importance of daily roll call and accurate records of pupil absences. The roll book should be meticulously kept and available to inspectorate and EWO on request. Registration numbers for pupils must be accurately recorded and changes of address should be noted. REMEMBER that the enrolment recorded on Sept.30th dictates staffing for the next school year so it is imperative that class numbers are accurately recorded.


All teachers/SNA absences must be recorded on the OLCS. Ensure that all medical certs are retained and numbered as appropriate. It is good practice to nominate a day each week (Friday being the most appropriate day) to record absences inc EPV Days. This ensures that substitute teachers are paid on a regular basis and that patterns of absences are accurately recorded and accounted for to BOM. Remember that you, as principal, must inform the Chairperson if you are to be absent from school and the purpose of the absence.

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