IPPN Leadership Award 2017

Nominations are now welcome for the IPPN Leadership Award 2017. This Award will honour and recognise a school leader who demonstrates exceptional leadership qualities and influences others through their actions. Current primary school principals and deputy principals are eligible for nomination. 

To be eligible for a nomination, the nominee must be:LeadershipAwardSmall
  • A current primary school principal or
  • A current deputy principal of a primary school.
Individuals nominated for this award should have:
  • Motivated or inspired people around them
  • Overcome significant personal challenges with a positive attitude
  • Acted in a manner that has influenced others and changed attitudes
  • Communicated in a manner which is fair and open
  • Demonstrated and encouraged creativity and innovation.
Nomination and Selection Process
An independent Adjudication Committee will review all nominations and, based on the criteria, will determine the award recipient. The Award will be presented at IPPN’s Annual Conference on 26th - 27th January 2017.
Self-nominations will not be accepted and the decision of the adjudicators will be final. Please note that members of the IPPN National Council, Board of Directors and employees are not eligible for nomination.
Closing date for nominations is Wednesday, 11th January 2017. 
This years award is sponsored by: PPT logo RGB 72dpi
Recipient of the 2016 Leadership Award, Caitriona McDonnell, principal of Ballyfeeney NS, Co Roscommon stated:
I have been overwhelmed with the kind words, comments and messages from parents and the wider school community since receiving the award. I had no idea how much people appreciated the work I do. 
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” (Martin Luther King, Jr)

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