Four-Year Strategic Plan 2016-2020


In addition to the overarching organisational goals set out on page 6, the following four strategic objectives will help us achieve our vision and mission in the short to medium term.

To strengthen our network by harnessing the capacity and capability of school leaders

1.1 Develop the capacity and involvement of our exemplar leader cohort
1.2 Develop our local networks to maximise the growth and strength of our network nationally
1.3 Strengthen the Network by ensuring the right people are at the table
1.4 Develop the leadership capacity of IPPN Support Office staff and members of the Board of Directors
1.5 Communicate the value of IPPN to our members.

To maximise IPPN's impact and ensure that school leaders' experience is central to education policy by continuing to build collaborative relationships with key stakeholders

2.1 Define the 'impact' we want to achieve
2.2 Reflect school leaders' experience
2.3 Determine education policy goals that we want to influence
2.4 Strengthen the collaborative relationships with key stakeholders
2.5 Nurture and support the emotional wellbeing of teachers and learners
2.6 Empower school leaders to be visionary
2.7 Advocate for the positive aspects of school leadership
2.8 Encourage and support student-teacher leadership.

To ensure IPPN’s supports and services are enhanced to reflect the needs of today’s school leaders

3.1 Undertake an inventory and evaluation of all S&S incl. Continuous Professional Development
3.2 Develop a clear understanding of the professional development needs of the various cohorts among school leaders
3.3 Examine current provision in relation to identified needs 
3.4 Expand the continuum of Continuous Professional Development available to school leaders to reflect their specific needs
3.5 Develop a distributed model of leadership to harness the leadership capacity of all staff in schools
3.6 Develop a leadership pipeline to identify, support and appropriately prepare those with leadership capacity.

To continue the ongoing work in achieving our primary organisational goals 

4.1 Put appropriate Key Performance Indicators/measures in place so that we can determine the impact of our work & review annually
4.2 Provide practical supports to school leaders
4.3 Ensure financial independence
4.4 Maintain & develop our infrastructure
4.5 Advocate for exemplary school leadership
4.6 Planning and management.


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