E-sceal 536 - Research on the influence of physical disability on teacher identity

Patrick Hickey, a teacher in Parteen NS, Co. Clare and a Postgraduate student in Mary Immaculate College, is currently completing a Doctorate of Education under the supervision of Dr. Cathal de Paor and Dr. Emmanuel O’ Grady. The objective of the doctoral research is to gather the perspectives of teachers with physical disabilities regarding their own experiences and how these experiences have impacted upon how they teach.

There is very little information nationally or internationally on teachers with physical disabilities, although many research projects have identified the benefits of a more inclusive teaching profession. Therefore, this study aims to better understand the challenges and benefits of being a teacher with a physical disability. Patrick has a physical disability.

The study is a qualitative study and therefore will consist of interviews, focus groups and reflective journaling. The interview will occur in a quiet, calm location of participants’ choice.

If you, or a teacher in your school, would be interested in participating in Patrick’s study, please contact Patrick by email to patrick.hickey6@gmail.com or patrick.hickey@mic.ul.ie or by phone to 087 2631152.

What are the benefits of this research?
It is hoped that the data gathered from participants will a) identify the benefits of a more inclusive teaching profession b) may identify common experiences amongst the participants such as how they included children with special educational needs c) will highlight the reasons that the participants chose teaching. Through participating in the study, there will be an opportunity to network with other teachers with physical disabilities which I, as a teacher with a physical disability feel would be very interesting and worthwhile.

Right to withdraw
Your anonymity is assured and you are free to withdraw from the interview at any time without giving a reason and without consequence.

How will the information be used / disseminated?
The data from your interview will be combined with that of the other participants in this study and excerpts will be used to form the results section of my thesis. Individual names will not be shown.

How will confidentiality be kept?
All information gathered will remain confidential and will not be released to any third party. A random ID number will be generated for each participant and it is this number rather than the participant’s name which will be held with their data to maintain their anonymity.

What will happen to the data after research has been completed?
In accordance with the MIC Record Retention Schedule all research data will be stored for the duration of the project plus three years. Data will also be stored on an encrypted memory key for transferable purposes.

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