E-sceal 540 - Introduction and Context of the CPSI Model – Part II

In the second of our two-part series on the CPSI model, we look at how the Inspectorate will arrive at a judgement and what next steps need to be considered.

How will the Inspector Arrive at a judgement in a Child Protection & Safeguarding Inspection?
The inspectors will make a judgement as to the extent that a school is compliant using the following scale:

  • Fully compliant
  • Substantially compliant
  • Partially compliant
  • Not compliant

For the check on the provision for Social Personal and Health Education Curriculum (SPHE) and Stay Safe in Primary Schools and SPHE and Relationships and Sexuality Education Programme (RSE) in post-primary schools, the inspector will use the following scale to arrive at a judgement:

  • Very good
  • Good
  • Satisfactory
  • Fair
  • Weak

This is the scale that is used on all other inspection models

What are the next stages in the development of the Child Protection & Safeguarding Inspection Model?
The trial of the evaluation will conclude shortly and the Inspectorate will seek feedback from those schools that participated in the trial. This feedback will further inform the development of the model.

A final consultation session with the education partners is scheduled for Tuesday 18 December 2018.

It is intended to mainstream the model in a sample of schools in 2019. This means that the Inspectorate will conduct a number of Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspections in primary and post-primary schools nationally as part of its annual inspection programme.

A series of information sessions on the Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspection model is being organised for school principals at the following Education Centres:

Centre Date
Alone Education Centre Monday 21 January
Blackrock Education Centre Tuesday 22 January
Cork Education Centre Tuesday 22 January
Galway Education Centre

Wednesday 23 January

Navan Education Centre Monday 28 January
Limerick Education Centre Tuesday 29 January
Donegal Education Centre Wednesday 30 January
Waterford Education Centre Monday 4 February

Seminars for Primary Principals will take place from 13.30 – 15.30 (tea/coffee on arrival)

The experience of the research visits and the trial of the Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspection model has shown that schools are very much engaged in implementing the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools 2017. These seminars are designed as a further support to principals in their implementation of the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools 2017.

They will provide an overview of key aspects of Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspection including its aims and its features, the checks conducted during the inspection and Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspection reports. Participants at the seminar will have an opportunity to discuss and ask questions about the Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspection model.






















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