E-sceal 545 - Leave refused – Having a difficult conversation

What if a staff member comes to the school leader upset that their application for leave or job share has been declined by the Board of Management……….?

There are times when an application for leave or job share may be declined by the Board. Following the communication of the Board’s decision, a school leader may have a difficult conversation with a staff member. It is essential that once the Board has made its decision, the means of communicating it is discussed and agreed. Ideally this communication should come from the Board through the Chairperson as this is a Board decision.

However, the teacher may be left feeling that the principal could have done more. This can be a difficult conversation. The best advice is to listen attentively and acknowledge their disappointment at the Board’s decision. While offering support to the staff member, do not react and promise to do something that may be difficult to deliver in future. Any further discussion regarding the decision would need to be directed to the Board through the Chairperson.

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