E-sceal 548 - External Research - Survey re the impact of a Diploma in Coaching on professional practice and wellbeing for school Principals

This survey is intended for Principals who have completed a diploma in coaching.

Paul Butler, a principal who is seconded as director of Mayo Education Centre, is conducting Ph.D. research with the University of Lincoln on the impact of Coaching Psychology on professional practice. He is seeking Principals who have completed a Coaching Diploma to participate in a survey. Paul would greatly appreciate if Coaching Diploma graduates would complete the short online survey linked below, which takes approx. 15 minutes to complete, by Friday 22 March 2019.

Take Survey


Responses are anonymous and all data will be saved in a password-protected computer.? You can be assured that:

  • the information you supply is for research purposes only
  • your participation is voluntary and can cease at any time
  • all information gathered will be kept confidential
  • no information gathered will be traceable to individuals
  • any participant can withdraw from the study at any time, and ask for his/her data to be removed.

If you have any questions regarding the survey, or the research, please contact Paul by email topaul@mayoeducationcentre.ie.

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