E-sceal 550 - Research Study of School Leaders’ Experience of Coaching in Ireland

Dr Carol Kelleher, Lecturer in Marketing at the Cork University Business School, University College Cork, is undertaking a research study of primary school principals and deputy principals’ experience of coaching, as part of her MSc in Personal and Executive Coaching. The purpose of the study is to create greater awareness and understanding of the application and usefulness of coaching in primary schools to enhance the staff teaching and student learning experience.

The study will involve speaking with primary Principals and Deputy Principals who have received coaching and/or participated in a coaching programme as part of their current role. Each participant will participate in one interview (c. 1 hour) at a time and location convenient to you between March and May 2019. All results will be anonymised and a final report will be presented to IPPN, which will include the insights and suggestions from study participants. The anonymised and aggregated results will also form the basis of Carol’s thesis.

Carol is also happy to offer participants and/or a nominated family member up to three hours pro-bono (free) personal coaching in recognition of their time and effort in participating in this research.

If you would like to participate in this project or if you require any further information, please contact Carol by email to carol.kelleher@ucc.ie or by phone to (086) 806 8729.

IPPN Sponsors

