E-sceal 552 - Statutory Agencies – Requests for Personal Information

Certain Statutory Agencies e.g. An Garda Síochána, HSE, Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection, Revenue etc have a legal basis for requesting personal information from schools. A request for such information should be accompanied by a letter or written statement, clearly stating the legal basis for the request and the reasons for it. The letter should also clearly include the name of the person making the request.

Such a letter or statement should be held by the school and furnished to any parent who has a complaint or query about the request. That parent can then address their concerns to the person making the request rather than to the Principal.

Schools are advised to include a provision in their Data Protection Policy, clearly indicating that information will be shared with statutory bodies when requested and on foot of a letter/statement outlining the reasons for the request and the legal basis for it. The letter/statement will also contain the name and contact details of the person making the request.

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