IPPN Submission to the Department of Education – Digital Strategy for Schools

IPPN was invited to make a submission to the DE regarding their next Digital Strategy for Schools.

Among the key challenges highlighted in IPPN’s submission are:

  • funding to maintain digital infrastructure
  • availability of curriculum digital content for all class levels and subjects
  • the usability of the Digital Learning Framework
  • teacher CPD and
  • school capacity to lead and plan digital learning.

Priorities identified for the Strategy are:

  • adequate annual funding for equipment, school infrastructure and technical support
  • capacity for ICT advisory support
  • structured professional development for all teachers.

A number of other points were raised in relation to:

  • pre-service digital learning as part of ITE
  • PISA results
  • the EU Digital Education Action Plan and the funding opportunities available
  • reactivating the Digital Schools programme and putting it at the centre of digital learning policy
  • relevant research including IPPN's Left to their own device - Trends in ICT at primary school level

IPPN would like to take the opportunity to thank Peter Coakley for his input to the submission.

You can read the full submission here. http://ippn.ie/images/PDFs/Digital_StrategyForSchools_IPPN-SubmissionMay2021.pdf

All IPPN submissions are available on www.ippn.ie by accessing Advocacy, then Submissions.



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