Professional Guidance - SET Deployment Circular and Guidelines
- Published: 22 January 2025
Circular 0064/2024 - The Operation/Application and Deployment of Special Education Teaching Resources
The purpose of this circular, supported by the Guidelines and Indicators of Effective Practice, is to enable schools to support children and young people with special educational needs.
The Guidelines underpinning this circular (which are revised and replace those issued in 2017) provide comprehensive information on the organization and process for the deployment of special education teaching resources. In addition, the Guidelines provide information to the school on:
- the principles underpinning the Special Education Teaching (SET) model
- the roles and responsibilities of school management and staff
- the problem-solving process for identification of need, planning interventions and reviewing the response to interventions.
The Guidelines seek to inform a whole-school approach to provision and acknowledge the many examples of good practice and initiatives that are in place in our schools, including the promotion of parental involvement and the voice of the child.
Resources for schools to support the implementation of Effective Practice in Key Areas
- Introduction to the Guidelines
- The Continuum of Support Framework
- Key Actions in the provision of SET Supports
- The Student Support File and the Student Support Plan
Deployment of SET Resources
It is critical that all schools deploy additional SET resources to effectively meet the needs of those identified in the School Provision Plan for Young People identified with Special Educational Needs (Appendix 1of updated Guidelines) underpinned by the Continuum of Support Framework.
The Student Support File, which includes the Student Support Plan, is the process through which the school accounts for its decisions on the use and allocation of its SET resources. The Deployment of SET Resources is recorded in the Schedule of Deployment of SET Resources (Appendix 2 of the Guidelines) to assist in tracking the use of SET hours across the Continuum of Support
The principal should allow time for the SEN Team to identify, plan, review, monitor and co-ordinate provision for SEN children. This time includes time to collaborate, liaise and communicate with parents, children, other relevant teachers and staff as part of the problem-solving process. The school should ensure that these hours are quantifiable and recorded in line with Appendix 2 of the updated Guidelines.
The Guidelines outline the Roles and Responsibilities of the Principal, Board of Management and the Class Teacher, and include examples of Student Support Plans and Files as well as Indicators of Effective Practice.
The principal must also ensure that the Board/ETB is informed annually of the allocation of SET resources. A suggested template for this is provided as an Appendix to the circular.
External Supports for Schools
- DE resources and guidance in relation to special educational needs in the school
- NCSE supports to schools include Regional Teams, Special Education Needs Organisers (SENOs), Teacher Professional Learning (TPL), and in-school supports.
- National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS) supports wellbeing, inclusion, learning and social and emotional development of pupils. NEPS assists schools in problem-solving to help the school to identify the needs and interventions to support those needs.
Potential Cases of incorrect Deployment of Special Education Teaching Resources
Where a report is made to the DE regarding systematic and consistent deployment of SEN teachers to other roles, not directly supporting children with identified learning needs outlined in the Student Support File, the DE has a long-standing process to deal with such a report. That process is as follows:
- Step 1: DE becomes aware of the report
- Step 2: DE reviews the school documents
- Step 3: DE engages with the school patron on options to identify a solution
- Step 4: Formal review by NCSE to review special education teaching allocations to the school.
Updated Guidelines for Primary Schools
Key Messages/Introduction/Terminology
- Section 1: Principles Underpinning the Special Education Teaching Model
- Section 2: The Organization of Special Education Provision: Planning the Deployment of Special Education Teaching Supports
- Section 3: Special Education Provision: Roles and Responsibilities
- Section 4: The Process for Identifying and Responding to Needs across The Continuum of support
- Section 5: Supporting Transitions
- Appendix 1: School Provision Plan for Children with Special Educational Needs
- Appendix 2: Schedule of Deployment of Special Education Teachers for Children with Special Educational Needs
- Appendix 3: Further Information
- Appendix 4: Advice for Gaeltacht Schools and Gaelscoileanna on the Special Education Teaching Model
- Appendix 5: Parental Involvement
Guidelines for Primary