June 10th 2016 - CSL – Progress to date

As the Centre for School Leadership approaches the end of its first year, I would like to take this opportunity to share our progress to date with you as we look forward with enthusiasm to the second year of this leadership pilot.

Since January, two hundred principals have generously given of their time and experience to become trained CSL Mentors. Of these, 135 are primary and 65 are from the post primary sector. They have completed two residential training sessions and attended a Shared Learning and Celebration Day on June 14th. The CSL Team was overwhelmed by the response to the training programme. Feedback has assured us that those who took part were energised and affirmed by the training, and felt there was much to be gained both personally and professionally. Their willingness to assist newly appointed principals, their sharing of personal experience and their desire to give something back lent an atmosphere of collegiality, well-being and hope for the future to each of the training sessions.
The programme includes formal matching of Mentors and Mentees by the CSL Team and a dedicated training programme for the mentees.

Only primary principals in the greater Leinster area had the opportunity to be involved in the programme so far. The training will be rolled out countrywide next year and further details will be available in September.

We are delighted to announce that there will be 400 coaching places available for both primary and post primary principals from September next. Professional coaches will help and support principals who are experiencing a particular challenge or those who need assistance to cope with the demands of the role. This is a particularly exciting venture for CSL.

The CSL Aspiring Leaders’ Programme will begin in September 2017 and is presently undergoing final preparations for the tendering process with the Office of Government Procurement.
CSL and PDST are currently involved in a joint review of the Misneach Programme and the incorporation of mentoring into an additional Misneach residential course. This is planned for the Hodson Bay Hotel on August 23rd and 24th next.

The new CSL website has been officially launched and serves to keep you up to date with all our programmes.

The team would like to express their gratitude to all the partners in education who continue to support the work of CSL, and especially to IPPN, NAPD and Clare Education Centre for their on-going assistance, professional advice and collegiality.

Anna Mai Rooney
CSL Deputy Director Primary

June 14th 2016 - Mentoring Shared Learning and Celebration Day

This event took place in the Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone, Co. Westmeath.

Attended by 150 primary and post primary Mentors, in addition to invited guests and CSL facilitators, this day of celebration brought an immense feeling of achievement and success to the fore for all who were present.

The core focus of the work of CSL, quality teaching and learning for the pupils and students in our schools, was evident as we listened to the melodious voices of the 2nd and 3rd class pupils from Ballybay NS, Kiltoome under the expert guidance of their music teacher, Ms Heather Shine, and watched with pride by their príomhoide, the renowned musician, Michael Mc Loughlin.
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The talent and creativity of the CSL-trained Mentors was showcased by the beautiful poem written especially for the occasion by Simon Lewis, Principal of Carlow Educate Together. Unable to join us due to the presentation of his recently-achieved Hennessy Award in Belfast, Simon read his poem, the very poignant and appropriate “Driving Lessons” from a recording prepared in advance, while utter silence descended on the room. Not to be outdone by such a well-lauded poet as Simon, Damian White, Principal of Scoil Shinchill, Killeigh, entertained us with a summary of the day in rhyme.

DamianWhite webDamian is well known for his ability to write as he listens and proceeded to record the previous speaker’s words only minutes before he took to the stage. To further highlight the creative ability in the room, Donncha Ó Treasaigh, Príomhoide, Gaelcholáiste Luimnigh, presented the highlights of the first year of CSL in a very professionally-developed recording which finished off the day on a high note of hope, anticipation and enthusiasm for the future.

The day of celebration was opened by Dr. Áine Lawlor, Chairperson of the Steering Committee, who spoke very generously and appreciatively about the achievements of CSL since last September. In a similar fashion, the day was closed appropriately by the affirming remarks and good wishes for the 

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 future of CSL by the Principal Officer of the Teacher Education Section of the Department of Education & Skills, Eddie Ward. Keynote speakers included Dr. Deirdre Mathews, Assistant Chief Inspector who presented a very clear and comprehensive guide to the Quality Framework for Leadership and Management. 

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Deirdre’s presentation was followed by an open forum at which she was joined by her colleagues, Richard Galvin and Kate O’ Carroll. This rich discussion was followed by Billy Redmond, Principal, St. Laurence College, Dublin 18. Billy’s presentation was inspirational. Specially chosen to represent the Mentee, Billy provided a sensitively-navigated journey of uncertainty, excitement, hard work, ne

Attendees also had the opportunity to become part of the first CSL art piece. This was in the form of a tree provided by the company ‘Uniquely Yours’, on which all attendees placed their finger print. They received a copy of the CSL Mentors’ Vision, Mission and Values Statement which all Mentors present had the opportunity to help develop in their training sessions. The training video, developed especially to provide further learning opportunities on the skills and elements of the mentoring relationship, was received very well by the participants and expertly facilitated by the CSL facilitators, Catherine Moynihan, Sheila McManamly and Tom Moore at post primary level and Breege Flynn, Enda McGorman and Tom McGann at primary level.w beginnings and opportunities, challenges, doubt, celebration, joy and achievement. Workshop webHis words led to many enriching and interesting conversations over lunch as everyone enjoyed the delicious food, with profiteroles literally providing the icing on the cake! 

The new CSL website was expertly explained and launched by the Director of Clare Education Centre, Pat Hanrahan and all the administrative requirements of the day were handled in a highly competent and professional manner by the CSL administrator, Ms Thecla Farrell.

TheCSLTeam webThe CSL team is very grateful to the Hodson Bay Hotel for the very professional service they provided. They would like to express their gratitude to IPPN, NAPD and PDST for their presence, their collegiality and constant support.

They thank Dr. Joe O’ Connell, Mary Burke, Kevin Hennigan and Máirín Ní Cheallacháir (NIPT) for their input into the Mentor training. Most importantly, they wish to congratulate each and every one of the principals who took time out of their hectic schedules and the demands of running busy schools to partake in the training and to consider the needs of newly-appointed principals. Their generous attitude and willingness to give back to the system is the moral purpose which underpins the Irish education system ensuring its unique and renowned worldwide reputation. 

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April 16th 2015 - Minister O’Sullivan launches Centre for School Leadership

Launch CSLThe Minister for Education and Skills, Jan O’Sullivan, has welcomed the establishment of the Centre for School Leadership (CSL). 

It is being established for an initial pilot period of three years, with an investment of almost €3m over that time. It will be operated on a partnership basis between the Department of Education and Skills, the Irish Primary Principals’ Network (IPPN) and the National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals (NAPD).

The CSL is intended to become a centre of excellence for school leaders, and the partnership will have many benefits for the profession in terms of the quality of training programmes, co-ordination of provision, and increased accessibility. 

The Centre will be headed by a Director who will be an experienced school principal. He or she will be supported by two other experienced school leaders, one each from the primary and post-primary sectors. The team will be recruited in the coming weeks.

 The Centre’s responsibilities will cover the range of leadership development for school leaders, from pre-appointment training and induction of newly appointed principals, to continuing professional development throughout careers.

 Minister O’Sullivan said: “The quality of school leadership is central to setting direction in a school and achieving the best education outcomes for students.

 “We know that we need to better prepare people to become school leaders, and that we need to improve supports for them when they are in leadership roles.

 “My Department, together with the IPPN and NAPD, have been collaborating for some time on creating a more strategic approach to meeting the needs of both newly appointed and serving school leaders. The decision to establish the Centre on a partnership basis presents a unique opportunity to develop the supports needed.

 “Positive environments, filled with the joy and wonder of learning, are what we want for all our children. We achieve that by providing top quality teachers, working alongside highly trained, confident school leaders. The CSL is another step in making that vision a reality, and will build on existing support services.”

She also welcomed the appointment of Ms. Áine Lawlor as Chairperson of the Steering Committee, which will oversee the governance of the Centre.

The Minister paid tribute to the IPPN and NAPD, and acknowledged their positive and constructive engagement over recent months in reviewing leadership supports and exploring how to share expertise amongst school leaders.

 She also acknowledged the support of Clare Education Centre, where the CSL will be based.

Clive Byrne, of the NAPD, said: “The establishment of the Centre for School Leadership recognises the vital importance of leadership in delivering a quality education to our students. The Centre will support, resource and develop our leaders, helping to create a cohort of aspiring leaders and to sustain and inspire our existing colleagues so they can lead strategically. The new Centre is an important investment, a concrete example of the need to grow leadership capacity by investing in our school leaders. The Centre is testament to the commitment of NAPD, IPPN and the Department to supporting the work of principals and deputy principals in our schools”.

Seán Cottrell, of the IPPN, said: “Considering that instructional leadership is central to the role of school principal, it goes without saying that investing in school leaders, offers the optimum value for money in bringing about school improvement. The commitment to investing in the development of principal teachers at this time shows the understanding that the government has of the importance of school leadership. In the words of John F Kennedy ‘Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other”.



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