Textaparent Redevelopment Oct 2014

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New version of Textaparent.ie and Scheduled Downtime


To facilitate the changeover to our new version of TextaParent.ie and to ensure that it is a seamless transition for your school we will move during the October midterm break. The improved and more user-friendly website will go live on Wednesday 29th October 2014.


Textaparent.ie will not be available between 4pm Tuesday 28th October and 9am on Wednesday 29th October  2014.

Any messages scheduled for delivery during this time will not be



Over 2,500 schools use Textaparent.ie on a weekly basis, on a number of occasions we have delivered more than 100,000 messages a day through textaparent.ie.

Due to this volume of messages and to ensure we can accommodate increased capacity; we have redeveloped TextaParent.ie. In doing so, we have taken feedback from users over the last number of years and have simplified some features while enhancing others. 

Our latest upgrade will mean that high volumes of messages are delivered with minimum interruption or delay.

One of our main goals was to build a user-friendly and simple to navigate site. The new design allows the users to quickly send messages or schedule messages to send later

  • Your Log-In details remain the same
  • Your contacts, groups and Sender IDs will automatically transfer – no need for you to update any information.

When you log on for the first time, take a minute to navigate your way through the site.

All of your favourite features will stay –

  • 4cent per message. A straight line price with no hidden taxes or charges to be added.
  • Online payment option - Schools can also be invoiced for later payment, just email info@textaparent.ie
  • No cost to parents for receiving messages.
  • No set-up costs to schools.
  • No minimum purchase amount required to avail of our low rate.
  • Textaparent.ie is a not-for-profit service owned an operated by IPPN
  • TextaParent.ie directly supports IPPN’s Principal Advice service.


ippn.ie web

If you have any queries please contact info@textaparent.ie

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