Deadline for submission of applications for LITH and access to SNA support

NCSE29 February 2016 - Deadline for submission of applications for LITH and access to SNA support. The date has been brought forward to ensure that allocations will issue to schools before the end of the current school year.

NCSE Update – Applications for LITH and access to SNA support
NCSE and NEPS are currently discussing the possibility of your SENO accepting a shorter report where a psychologist has already carried out the assessment, and feels a pupil will qualify for resources, but may not have a full report available to schools before the deadline date of Monday 29 February. This would be on the understanding that all documentation and full reports would be with your SENO before a determination is needed to be made in May. This would allow the pupil to be included in the first round of applications. If you find this is the case in your school, then please have a conversation with your SENO &/or Psychologist.


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