11 March - Redeployment Panel Update

The Main Redeployment Panel for 2016/2017 school year has now been issued by the DES. There are currently a total of 186 surplus permanent/CID holding teachers on panels for redeployment to vacancies in other schools. Schools have until Wednesday 13 April 2016 to engage in the school led redeployment process. After this date, a Panel Officer will be appointed to deploy any remaining teachers on the main panel.

Schools may invite teachers on the relevant panel to express an interest in permanent posts in their school on www.educationposts.ie

If your Board of Management has submitted CID applications to the DES for teachers that may be eligible for CID contracts in your school, please contact your diocesan office to discuss your appointment process.

Click here to view Panel List

Click here for information on the operation of the Panel

IPPN Sponsors

