Children & Young Peoples Services Committee

surveyTipperary Children & Young People Services Committee (TCYPSC) are requesting your school’s voluntary participation in an online CYPSC survey with the 4th and 5th class children in your school.

Tomás O’ Slatara, former principal of Grange National School, is the current IPPN representative for Tipperary Children & Young People Services Committee (TCYPSC). 

As part of the consultation, the committee are conducting an anonymised online survey with children throughout the county. It consists of questions about age, gender identity, name of nearest big town, best & worst things about being a child in Tipperary, any desired changes, and of overall view as to Tipperary being a good place for a child to live in. The responses are tick boxes and completion of the survey would take no more than between 5 and 10 minutes.

TCYPSC are requesting that you would bring the details of the weblink to the survey monkey to the attention of children in 4th & 5th Classes in your school. The children can complete the survey within the school or can do so at home with their parents’ knowledge. A letter to parents is included for distribution to parents. Use of the parental permission slip may depend on your decision whether the child completes the survey at home or in school.

Click here to download the following:

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