Clustering arrangements for 2016/2017 School Year

Schools are now engaged in the clustering process following the recent NCSE publication regarding the allocation of resource teaching hours for the 2016/2017 school year. In the first instance, schools are required to engage with the network of full-time resource base posts allocated to their school or neighbouring schools.

Where schools are unable to access the NCSE approved resource hours from the network of full-time resource base posts, schools can submit an application form to the DES for the sanctioning of a part-time/temporary resource teaching post for 2016/2017 school year.

Additionally, where no surplus capacity is available in schools with a base post, schools can make a joint application to the DES to create a full-time (25 hours) resource teaching post. In such circumstances the Department will allocate a full-time shared fixed-term (temporary) resource post to successful applicant schools. This post will automatically cease at the end of the 2016/17 school year. The advertising of hours to arrange a cluster is facilitated on To advertise your hours, please go to, 'Advertise a Post', 'SEN Clustering Notice Board'.

Click here to download DES application form for part-time/temporary Resource Teaching Posts 2016/17 School Year

Click here for an updated list of the schools that have been allocated full-time resource base posts

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