Teachers’ Car Insurance re. using their cars for School Business

Teachers’ Car Insurance re. using their cars for School Business

Liability for passengers in a car in any capacity is a matter solely for the teacher’s motor insurance. Teachers are free to arrange their motor insurance with whatever insurer they wish. However, they should be aware that such insurance may or may not cover their liability in relation to school business (taking pupils to a match or to hospital in an emergency, carrying school equipment, travelling to CPD during school hours, etc.)

Most motor insurance is offered on a Class 1 basis – this covers Social, Domestic and Pleasure use of the vehicle. Teachers who wish to cover the carrying of pupils, school equipment etc. and use their cars for school business are advised to have the extended Class 1 usage of the vehicle – Social, Domestic and Pleasure and by the insured in person for his/her business.


Teachers should check with their own insurer as to exactly what the cover is in relation to using the car for school business. Some insurers charge an extra premium for the extra cover, some do not. Teachers should also check the implications for their insurance premium in the event of having an accident whilst on school business. Will there be an excess? How will it affect your no-claims bonus?
Again, different insurers approach these questions in different ways. As a Principal / Teacher, you should be aware of the answers before you commit to any arrangement with your Board of Management.

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