Research on Mentoring using the Droichead Pilot Process

Research on Mentoring using the Droichead Pilot Process

Katrina McCaughey, a 4th class teacher in Killygarry NS, Cavan, is undertaking an M Ed in Education and Management at the University of Ulster, facilitated by Monaghan Education Centre, focusing on the mentor and the different models of mentoring.  As part of her research on the induction process, Katrina needs to speak with 40 mentors who have participated in the Droichead process, as well as the Newly Qualified Teachers they have supported.

Katrina’s full thesis title is 'A study of the Induction Process of Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs) through the medium of ‘Droichead’ in the Republic of Ireland, as compared with the NQT induction route in Northern Ireland'.

The objectives of this research are to:

gauge attitudes among primary school principals/mentors who collaborated with the Droichead programme

receive feedback from NQTs who took part in the Droichead programme

assess the importance of the role of the mentor within NQT induction

compare the Northern Ireland primary school system of NQT induction with that of the Republic of Ireland.

If you are interested in completing a 10-15 minute postal questionnaire, please contact Katrina by email to  All correspondence will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.  

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