Louth, Wexford & Kerry: Children and Young Peoples Services Committees (CYPSC)



Louth, Wexford & Kerry: Children and Young Peoples Services Committees (CYPSC)

This year we have seen a re-invigoration and commitment at government level to the Children and Young People Services Committees (CYPSCs) nationally. This is reflected in the appointment of 27 full-time co-ordinators and increased budgetary provision.  CYPSCs are expected to take an increasingly significant role in coordinating and commissioning services at local level. This has huge significance for schools and children.

IPPN has had representation on county CYPSCs since they were first established in 2007. There is currently an IPPN rep on nearly every county CYPSC around the country. 

IPPN and the Children and Young Peoples Services Committees (CYPSC) are now looking for principals to fill vacancies which have arisen in Louth, Wexford & Kerry CYPSCs.    Involvement on these committees provides principals with an excellent opportunity to work with key statutory and non-statutory agencies in their locality and to influence how services are coordinated at local level. For more information on CYPSC's see the article in September's Leadership+ or visit www.cypsc.ie.

Principals working in Louth, Wexford and/or Kerry interested in becoming involved on their local CYPSC should e-mail Padraig McCabe at ippncypsc@gmail.com for further information.

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